Keyboard Commands - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

GnollHack uses mostly the same keys as NetHack. Please refer to the in-game documentation for exact information. On this page, there is a summary of changes from NetHack to GnollHack.

Basic Movement

GnollHack uses the same keys as NetHack for movement.

With Number Pad

You can use the number pad for movement.

  • 1–4, 6–9: Movement to a direction
  • 5 + Direction: Run to a direction

Without Number Pad

If you lack a number pad on your keyboard, you can use the following keys for movement (by default configuration):

  • West: Left Arrow (or 6)
  • East: Right Arrow (or 4)
  • North: Up Arrow (or 8)
  • South: Down Arrow (or 2)
  • Southwest: 1
  • Southeast: 3
  • Northwest: 7
  • Northeast: 9
  • Run: 'Shift + Direction' or '5 + Direction' or 'g + Direction' or 'G + Direction'

NetHack Commands

Here's a list of basic NetHack commands by key: NetHack Commands by Key

Most of them are valid for GnollHack as well, except for what is reported below.

Command Keys Changed in GnollHack

  • Chat: C
  • Name: N
  • Explore mode: Alt-e
  • Skills/Enhance: S
  • Sit: Ctrl-s
  • Save: Alt-s
  • Take off many: Alt-t

New Commands in GnollHack

  • Abilities: A
  • Break item: Ctrl-b
  • Commands list: Alt-c
  • Dig: Alt-g (useful in garden rooms for finding roots)
  • Character statistics: Alt-y
  • Mix (prepare) spells: X
  • Examine item: Alt-x
  • Manage spells: Alt-z
  • Spell menu: +
  • Yell for pets to come: Ctrl-y

Command Behaviours Changed in GnollHack

  • Apply wand (a + wand): Does not break the wand but applies the effect of the wand to an item.

New Item/Inventory Menu Commands

  • ' (apostrophe): The same as '$' (use this if you cannot type '$' on your keyboard).
  • 8: Select/unselect all miscellaneous items
  • 9: Select/unselect all reagents
  • # + number: Number of items to select. You can use this if you want to select 8 or 9 items in the items list and not to select all miscellaneous items or reagents.