Solving Problems Watching Games Using PuTTY - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
When you are using PuTTY configured for Curses Interface to view games on the Windows operating system, you can run into following problems:
1. Lines look like l, q, k , x, m, and j (Solution 1)
The problem may be that you are using UTF-8 as your remote character set while the player is using CP437. Just change your remote character set in Window → Translation to CP437:
2. Lines look like l, q, k, x, m, and j (Solution 2)
The problem is that the player is using some old terminal-type string in his or her SSH client, and you need to configure PuTTY for the same (or similar) terminal-type string. In PuTTY configuration, You can try to set Connection → Data → Terminal Details → Terminal-type string to xterm-color
When you log into the server again, you may see the game look like this:
3. All the characters on screen look wrong
The problem is that the player is using UTF-8 as the remote character set and you are using CP437. Just change your remote character set in Window → Translation to UTF-8:
4. Lines are not drawing correctly (= repeat characters do not work)
The problem is that your SSH Client (e.g. PuTTY) is too old. The specs of repeat character drawing have changed and you need to update your SSH Client to the latest version. PuTTY version 0.73 or later will do.