Kraken - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 16 gigantic squid-like monster with a drowning attack

  • Hit dice: 20
  • Move: 3"
  • Armor class: 6
  • Magic cancellation: 5 (50%)
  • Magic resistance: 0%
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Size: Huge
  • Number of attacks: 4
  1. Claw, physical 2d4
  2. Claw, physical 2d4
  3. Grab, wraps 2d6
  4. Bite, physical 5d4

Attribute scores

St:21 Dx:18 Co:22 In:4 Wi:4 Ch:1

Innate abilities



  1. Swimming
  2. Amphibious
  3. Handless
  4. Animal
  5. Carnivore


  1. Eschews cursed items

Corpse properties


