Circle of fire - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 5 arcane spell

  • Attributes: Intelligence
  • Mana cost: 20.0
  • Casting time: 1 round
  • Cooldown: None
  • Targeting: None
  • Radius: 5'
  • Damage: 8d6
  • Level bonus: 1d6 per 3 caster levels
  • Damage type: Fire
  • Train chance: 50%
  • Base write cost: 70 charges
  • Write cost: From half to full base cost
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material

Material components - 90 castings

  1. a pinch of sulfurous ash
  2. a heap of sporal powder


Damages the monsters around you with fire