Gray ooze - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 2 ooze that causes iron items to rust

  • Hit dice: 3
  • Move: 1"
  • Armor class: 8
  • Magic cancellation: 10 (75%)
  • Magic resistance: 0%
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Size: Medium-sized
  • Number of attacks: 1
  1. Bite, rust-causing 2d8

Attribute scores

St:6 Dx:7 Co:15 In:1 Wi:1 Ch:1

Innate abilities

  1. Poison resistance
  2. Full acid resistance
  3. Stoning resistance
  4. 50% fire resistance
  5. 50% cold resistance


  1. Amorphous
  2. Breathless
  3. Eyeless
  4. Handless
  5. Neckless
  6. Mindless
  7. Carnivore
  8. Herbivore
  9. Regenerates lost body parts


  1. Does not eschew cursed items

Corpse properties

  1. Acidic
  2. May confer 50% fire resistance
  3. May confer 50% cold resistance
  4. May confer poison resistance


Gray ooze