Scorpius - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 17 powerful scorpion with a diseasing sting

  • Hit dice: 15
  • Move: 20"
  • Armor class: -1
  • Magic cancellation: 15 (88%)
  • Magic resistance: 0%
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Size: Medium-sized
  • Number of attacks: 3
  1. Claw, physical 2d6
  2. Claw, steals amulet 2d6
  3. Sting, infected with terminal illness 1d4 (-6 MC penalty)

Attribute scores

St:18/** Dx:20 Co:22 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:15

Innate abilities

  1. Poison resistance
  2. Stoning resistance


  1. Handless
  2. Animal
  3. Oviparious
  4. Carnivore
  5. Speaking


  1. Eschews cursed items

Corpse properties

  1. Poisonous
  2. May confer poison resistance
  3. May confer free action

