Gargantuan Mimic - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 17 uniquely gigantic creature capable of sticking to opponents and assuming the form of items and other objects

  • Hit dice: 12
  • Move: 9"
  • Armor class: 2
  • Magic cancellation: 10 (75%)
  • Magic resistance: 30%
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Size: Huge
  • Number of attacks: 2
  1. Claw, sticky 3d8
  2. Claw, sticky 3d8

Attribute scores

St:19 Dx:9 Co:22 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:1

Innate abilities

  1. Full acid resistance


  1. Amorphous
  2. Clinging
  3. Hiding
  4. Breathless
  5. Eyeless
  6. Handless
  7. Neckless
  8. Animal
  9. Thick hide
  10. Carnivore
  11. Mimic
  12. Headless


  1. Eschews cursed items

Corpse properties

  1. Causes mimicking


Gargantuan Mimic