Gargantuan Mimic - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
Level 17 uniquely gigantic creature capable of sticking to opponents and assuming the form of items and other objects
- Hit dice: 12
- Move: 9"
- Armor class: 2
- Magic cancellation: 10 (75%)
- Magic resistance: 30%
- Alignment: Neutral
- Size: Huge
- Number of attacks: 2
- Claw, sticky 3d8
- Claw, sticky 3d8
Attribute scores
St:19 Dx:9 Co:22 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:1
Innate abilities
- Full acid resistance
- Amorphous
- Clinging
- Hiding
- Breathless
- Eyeless
- Handless
- Neckless
- Animal
- Thick hide
- Carnivore
- Mimic
- Headless
- Eschews cursed items
Corpse properties
- Causes mimicking