Build Instructions for ASCII Version on Linux - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Make sure gcc, bison, flex, and libncurses are all installed and up to date:
    • sudo apt-get install build-essential
    • sudo apt-get install flex bison
    • sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
  2. Create a directory for the GnollHack repository (mkdir [directory path of your GnollHack repository]).
  3. Go to your GnollHack repository with cd [directory path of GnollHack repository].
  4. Download the sources from GitHub using git clone
  5. Make readable and executable with sudo chmod a+rx ./sys/unix/
  6. Run to create a makefile in the main GnollHack directory:
    • On GnollHack public servers (with a common xlogfile): sudo ./sys/unix/ ./sys/unix/hints/linux-gnh-debug
    • Otherwise: sudo ./sys/unix/ ./sys/unix/hints/linux-debug
  7. Compile GnollHack with sudo make install -B. This compiles GnollHack into /gnh directory (under the root directory).
  8. Finally, cd /gnh and type sudo chmod -R a+rw * to have all necessary read and write permissions.
  9. You should be now able to play GnollHack by typing ./gnollhack.