Install Secrets File - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Secrets File

The secrets file is a json file called ghsecrets.sjson. It is used for storing private webhook links and other secret information. You can create a new file containing the following text:

   "EncodedDefaultGamePostAddress": "",
   "EncodedDefaultDiagnosticDataPostAddress": "",
   "EncodedDefaultXlogRegisterationAddress": "",
   "EncodedDefaultXlogPostAddress": "",
   "EncodedDefaultXlogAntiForgeryToken": "",
   "EncodedDefaultAzureBlobStorageConnectionString": ""

Installing the File

  1. Copy the secrets file to the win\win32\xpl\GnollHackX\GnollHackX\Assets directory.
  2. Copy the secrets file to the win\win32\xpl\GnollHackM\GnollHackM\Assets directory.