Elder gazer - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
Level 35 powerful magic-using floating sphere that shoots deadly rays from its eyestalks
- Hit dice: 20
- Move: 12"
- Armor class: -8
- Magic cancellation: 14 (86%)
- Magic resistance: 0%
- Alignment: Chaotic
- Size: Large
- Number of attacks: 5
- Gaze, cancelling
- Eye stalk, random eye stalk 6d6
- Eye stalk, random eye stalk 6d6
- Bite, physical 3d4
- Spell casting, magic (as level 17 caster)
Attribute scores
St:16 Dx:12 Co:20 In:23 Wi:19 Ch:17
Innate abilities
- Sleep resistance
- Disintegration resistance
- Stoning resistance
- See invisible
- Telepathy
- Reflection
- Death resistance
- Levitation control
- 50% cold resistance
- 50% shock resistance
- Flying
- Breathless
- Handless
- Neckless
- Thick hide
- Floater
- Telekinetically operating
- Infravision
- Speaking
- Wizard
- Does not eschew cursed items
- Does not eat
Corpse properties