Armor - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Armor Slots

GnollHack has 9 wearable armor slots:

New Armor Slots


Robe is a special armor slot that does not stack with the body armor. Instead, the game compares the AC and MC of both the body armor and the robe and chooses the better stat from the two.

Therefore, it is sometimes useless to enchant a robe while wearing a body armor, since it does not give bonus to AC from enchantments.


Bracers is a new wearable armor slot. It does not have any special properties.


Some armor can also be used as weapons. These include:

These armor can get weapon quality modifiers. When they do, these modifiers also give bonus to AC and MC:

  • Exceptional — Double base damage, -1 AC
  • Elite — Triple base damage, -2 AC
  • Celestial/Primordial/Infernal — Quadruple base damage, -3 AC, +1 MC, but can only be used by lawful/neutral/chaotic beings