Rock troll - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 15 powerful regenerating humanoid that can come back to life

  • Hit dice: 9
  • Move: 12"
  • Armor class: 0
  • Magic cancellation: 8 (65%)
  • Magic resistance: 0%
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Size: Large
  • Number of attacks: 3
  1. By weapon, physical 3d6
  2. Claw, physical 2d8
  3. Bite, physical 2d6

Attribute scores

St:18/51 Dx:12 Co:19 In:6 Wi:4 Ch:4

Innate abilities

  1. Regeneration


  1. Humanoid
  2. Carnivore
  3. Infravision
  4. Speaking
  5. Regenerates lost body parts
  6. Revives from dead
  7. Stony


  1. Does not eschew cursed items

Corpse properties

  1. Reviving corpse


Rock troll