Tiamat - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
Level 40 powerful 5-headed spell-casting dragon with reflecting scales and multiple breath weapons and resistances
- Hit dice: 24
- Move: 15"
- Armor class: 0
- Magic cancellation: 15 (88%)
- Magic resistance: 30%
- Alignment: Chaotic
- Size: Gigantic
- Number of attacks: 8
- Breath weapon, random draconic 6d6
- Spell casting, magic
- Bite, steals amulet 2d8
- Bite, physical 3d6
- Bite, physical 2d10
- Bite, physical 3d8
- Bite, physical 3d10
- Sting, poisonous 1d6
Attribute scores
St:24 Dx:14 Co:24 In:20 Wi:18 Ch:20
Innate abilities
- Full fire resistance
- Full cold resistance
- Sleep resistance
- Disintegration resistance
- Full shock resistance
- Poison resistance
- Full acid resistance
- Stoning resistance
- Magic resistance
- See invisible
- Reflection
- Charm resistance
- Full magic missile resistance
- Stun resistance
- Protection from bisection
- Slime resistance
- Handless
- Thick hide
- Steed
- Carnivore
- Speaking
- Regenerates lost body parts
- Vorpal vulnerable
- 5-headed
- Does not eschew cursed items
Corpse properties
- Poisonous
- May confer 50% fire resistance
- May confer 50% cold resistance
- May confer sleep resistance
- May confer disintegration resistance
- May confer 50% shock resistance
- May confer poison resistance