Gnome zombie - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
Level 1 mindless undead gnome
- Hit dice: 1
- Move: 6"
- Armor class: 10
- Magic cancellation: 0 (0%)
- Magic resistance: 0%
- Alignment: Chaotic
- Size: Small
- Number of attacks: 1
- Claw, physical 1d5
Attribute scores
St:13 Dx:3 Co:12 In:1 Wi:1 Ch:1
Innate abilities
- Full cold resistance
- Sleep resistance
- Poison resistance
- Breathless
- Mindless
- Humanoid
- Undead
- Gnome
- Infravision
- Vulnerable to blessed weapons
- Does not eschew cursed items
- Eschews blessed items
- Does not eat
- Zombifiable and mummifiable corpse
Corpse properties
- Infected with terminal illness
- Zombifiable
- Mummifiable