Lich - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 11 skeletal undead sorcerer

  • Hit dice: 11
  • Move: 12"
  • Armor class: 0
  • Magic cancellation: 10 (75%)
  • Magic resistance: 30%
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Size: Medium-sized
  • Number of attacks: 2
  1. Touch, cold 1d10
  2. Spell casting, magic

Attribute scores

St:15 Dx:9 Co:14 In:19 Wi:15 Ch:9

Innate abilities

  1. Full cold resistance
  2. Sleep resistance
  3. Poison resistance
  4. Regeneration


  1. Breathless
  2. Humanoid
  3. Undead
  4. Infravision
  5. Speaking
  6. Wizard


  1. Vulnerable to blessed weapons
  2. Does not eschew cursed items
  3. Eschews blessed items
  4. Does not eat

Corpse properties

  1. May confer 50% cold resistance

