Gazer - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki

Level 22 floating sphere that shoots deadly rays from its eyestalks

  • Hit dice: 12
  • Move: 9"
  • Armor class: 0
  • Magic cancellation: 8 (65%)
  • Magic resistance: 0%
  • Alignment: Chaotic
  • Size: Large
  • Number of attacks: 4
  1. Gaze, cancelling
  2. Eye stalk, random eye stalk 3d6
  3. Eye stalk, random eye stalk 3d6
  4. Bite, physical 2d4

Attribute scores

St:9 Dx:9 Co:16 In:17 Wi:15 Ch:12

Innate abilities

  1. Sleep resistance
  2. Disintegration resistance
  3. Stoning resistance
  4. Death resistance
  5. Levitation control
  6. 50% cold resistance
  7. 50% shock resistance


  1. Flying
  2. Breathless
  3. Handless
  4. Neckless
  5. Thick hide
  6. Floater
  7. Telekinetically operating
  8. Speaking


  1. Does not eschew cursed items
  2. Does not eat

Corpse properties


