Overview of Building GnollHack with .NET MAUI - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki


You build the .NET MAUI version of GnollHack with a two-step process. This is because we are keeping the Xamarin.Forms version of GnollHack for compatibility reasons and we are sharing code between both architectures. This allows us to maintain both Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI versions of GnollHack at the same time.

1. Build GnollHackX

GnollHackX is the Xamarin.Forms version of GnollHack.


Check appropriate build instructions for prerequisites of building GnollHackX.


  1. Start Visual Studio Community 2022.
  2. Open GnollHack.sln that is located in the win\win32\vs directory.
  3. Build GnollHackX, which is the Xamarin.Forms version of GnollHack, using appropriate build instructions.

This builds the necessary native libraries required by the .NET MAUI versions of the game. You need to repeat this step whenever you change code in the native libraries.

2. Build GnollHackM

GnollHackM is the .NET MAUI version of GnollHack.



  1. Start Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview.
  2. Open GnollHackM.sln that is located in the win\win32\xpl\GnollHackM directory.
  3. Build GnollHackM, which is the .NET MAUI version of GnollHack, using appropriate build instructions.

This builds the .NET MAUI version of the game. You need to repeat this step whenever you change things in XAML or the managed C# code.


Changing Solution Configuration

If you change the solution configuration between Debug and Release, you need to rebuild both GnollHack solution and GnollHackM solution with the appropriate solution configuration. This is because you need appropriately built libraries for the GnollHackM solution from the GnollHack solution. So, you need to:

  1. Build the GnollHack solution first.
  2. Then, build the GnollHackM solution.