Page Index - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
58 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- This FAQ contains task-based how-to instructions for some of the processes to implement and maintain an instance of DHIS2.
- Who is it for?
- How is it organized?
- Section 1 Data Entry and Reporting
- Section 2 - System administration
- Section 3 - Additional resources
- How do I search the FAQ?
- What if I have a question not answered in the FAQ?
- Creative Commons License
- Data Elements Category Options, Categories, and Category Combinations
- Data Elements Create
- Data Elements Edit
- Data Elements Option Sets
- Data Entry Event Capture
- Data Entry Mobile
- Data Entry Routine
- Data entry Tracker Capture
- Data Quality Comment on audit data entry
- Data Quality Min Max limits
- Data Quality Validation Rules
- Data Sets Create
- Data Sets Edit & Design
- Data Sets Edit and Design
- DHIS2 Glossary
- Event Capture Create & Edit
- Event Capture Create and Edit
- [Export Metadata (OrgUnits, Data Elements, etc.](/LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ/wiki/Export---Metadata-(OrgUnits,-Data-Elements,-etc.)
- Export Metadata (OrgUnits, Data Elements, etc.)
- Groups OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements, etc.
- HELP: Interface translation report an error
- Import GIS coordinates (OrgUnits)
- Import How to get a UID number
- Import Metadata (Data Elements)
- Import Metadata (OrgUnits)
- Indicators Create and Edit
- OrgUnits Create
- OrgUnits Edit
- OrgUnits Move
- Program Indicators Create and Edit
- Reports Dashboards
- Reports GIS Maps
- Reports Interpretations
- Reports Pivot Tables & Graphs
- Reports Pivot Tables and Graphs
- Reports Share and Export
- Section 1 Data Entry and Reporting
- Section 2 System Administration
- Section 3 Additional resources
- System Admin Guide
- Tracker Capture Create & Edit
- Tracker Capture Create and Edit
- Users Create User
- Users Create User Group
- Users Create User Role
- Users Sharing Settings