Tracker Capture Create and Edit - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki


  • Create and edit a new Program in Tracker Capture.


  • Tracker Capture is used to track an entity (often an individual) across a Program, which will contain one or more stages. Data is entered during each stage. Tracker Capture requires entities to 'register', allowing them to be tracked over time, in addition to aggregating data across entities.

For example, a Tracker Capture Program can monitor individual attendance, as well as aggregate up to show overall attendance percentages.

  • Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.


Go to the 'Programs/Attributes' App

Step 1: Create Attributes

Attributes are used to register extra information about an entity (participant), and include: name, age, address, etc.

  • Ensure the Attributes you need for the program have been created in the Attributes list.

  • It is very important to have your Attributes figured out / correctly first - if you need to make changes later, you must completed remove the old attribute, then create a new attribute - making changes to an existing attribute will not work. 

a. Click Attributes

i. Click 'Add new'.

ii. Enter;

  1. Name

  2. Short Name (Must be 50 characters or less)

  3. Description

  4. Select 'Value Type' from the following drop-down (number is default)


Step 2: Create Entity

  • Ensure the Entity you need for the program has been created. 

a. Click 'Tracked Entity'

i. Click 'Add new'.

ii. Enter;

  1. Name

  2. Description

b. Click 'Add'


Step 3: Create Data Elements (Tracker)

  • Ensure the Data Elements are already in the system (Domain Type = Tracker)

  • See Creating Data Elements for detailed instructions


Step 4: Create Program (Found in 'Programs / Attributes' app)

A program has stages and defines which actions should be taken at each stage.

a. Click 'Program'

b. Click 'Add new', you see a screen that looks like this:

c. Fill out:

  1. Name

  2. Short name (identical to Name)

  3. Select the "Type" as "With registration" (default). This "Type" allows you more options such as "Enrollment" details and selecting "Attributes".

  4. Select the "Tracked Entity". For most cases, the tracked entity is a person/participant.

  5. Select Attributes. You must select at least one attribute.

  6. Select 'Data entry method for option sets' from the following options (Drop-down lists is default);

d. Click 'Add' at the bottom of the screen to save your new Program.

e. From the 'Program' screen, left click your newly created program and select "View program stages"

  f. Click 'Add new'. You will see the following screen:

g. Select when the stage should occur (in the "Scheduled date from start" box), reporting date, and other relevant details.

h. Select the Data Elements you want for this Program.

j. Click 'Add' when finished.


Step 5: Assign Program to OrgUnit(s)

a. Click once on the program name (from the list of programs screen), and 'Assign the Program to an Organizational Unit'

b. Click 'Save'.

Step 6: Assign Program to User Role(s)

a. Consider which User role(s) should have access to this program.

b. Visit 'User' app

c. Click 'User Role'

d. Choose the role(s),click once, and edit.

e. Select the Program, and use the arrow to move right. Click 'Save'