Import How to get a UID number - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki


Step 1: Add the following to your DHIS2 instance URL:


Step 2: Replace the # with the # of UID's that you need.

Logical Outcomes example:

a. Once you have opened the URL in the browser and replaced the # at the end with the # of UIDs you need, your browser will generate something like this:

Step 3: Copy and paste this into a new Excel sheet.

a. Select 'Find & Select' at the top right corner then click on 'Replace'.

b. Another popup window will appear. Write <code> in the 'Find what' section and leave 'Replace with' blank. Click on 'Replace All'. Repeat this step for the word '</code>'.


c. This will leave just the codes themselves. You can now select and plug in these UID's into your OrgUnit configuration sheet. The same can be applied to config sheets for Data Elements, Category Options etc.  







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