Reports GIS Maps - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Create, customize and save a GIS (geographic information system) map in DHIS2. "GIS is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographical data." (From <>)
Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.
To create a GIS map, you must have already input coordinates for your OrgUnits.
Only Data Elements/Indicators that are grouped can be selected.
Step 1: Go to the 'GIS' app to create a map:
Step 2: Click the '1' button and then 'Edit layer' to add a layer of information to your map:
Step 3: Fill out the 'Data and Periods' window:
Select the desired 'Value type' from the first dropdown menu.
Select Groups from the second dropdown menu **NOTE** You can only select Data Elements or Indicators that have been assigned to a group. Data Elements and Indicators which are not in any group will not be available to select for GIS reports.
Select a Data Element/Indicator.
Step 4: Fill out the 'Organisation units' window:
You can select multiple OrgUnits with 'Shift+click' or 'Ctrl+click'
Step 5: Click 'Options' and fill out the 'Legends' window:
Select either Automatic or Predefined from the top dropdown menu
Predefined Legend Sets must be created beforehand.
Click 'Update' to create your map
Step 6: Click 'Favorites' to access saved reports, or save a new report.
- To save a new report, click 'Favorites' and select 'Add new'. Enter a name for the new GIS map and click 'Create'.