Data Sets Edit and Design - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Edit and design the appearance of the data entry page for a Data Set.
There are two types of forms; Section forms and Custom forms
Section form support grouping Data Elements into tables with subheadings.
Custom forms are fully flexible for designing complex data entry forms, and can be achieved by using the HTML (CK Editor) in DHIS2.
Any saved Custom Form will be used for all browser-based data entry, even if incomplete.
Any saved Section Form will be used for all mobile data entry, and will be shown in browser only if there is no Custom Form, even if incomplete.
By default, the data entry form is categorized by disaggregation, which you may not want the data entry clerk to see. For example, by gender. Section management is able to rename and/or split up sections that have similar a category combination and reorganize the form in a more desirable way.
Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.
Step 1: Go to the 'Maintenance' app:
Step 2: Select 'Data Set'.
Step 3: From the 'Data set management' screen, right-click the Data Set you want to design.
Step 4: You can separate the Data Elements in your Data Set into sections by clicking 'Manage sections' and following these instructions:
NOTE: To design your own layout see below, or click here to see below This whole section below has changed.
a. After Selecting 'Manage Sections', click the '+' to add a new section
b. Name the section
c. Select the Category Combination
d. Add you desired Data Elements you want in this section by double-clicking them. You will see them appear in the text box to the right, like this:
NOTE: You will only be able to select from Data Elements that are in this Data Set, and unassigned to any Sections.
e. Click Save. The next time you enter data you will see your sections, like this:
NOTE: Any forms with sections automatically become the sole means of entering data into that Data Set.
Step 5: You can design your own layout by clicking 'Design data entry form' and following these instructions:
a. From the 'Data set management' screen, right click on the desired Data Set and select 'Design data entry form' you will see a WYSIWYGn (what you see is what you get) design window.
b. In this window you can design your Data Entry form however you like.
c. Double click on the available Data Elements to inset a data entry field.
NOTE: The field does not show what Data Element it is related to, you must make that clear in your design.
d. Click 'Save and Close'
Any Designed form automatically becomes the sole means of entering data into that Data Set, when on a web browser.
Mobile devices will only use sections, if created.
Example of this designed form: