Event Capture Create and Edit - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Create or Edit a Program in Event Capture.
Within DHIS2, Events are Programs with only one stage (e.g. school guidance counselor visits), without registration (participant identities are anonymous).
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/TsBV1que6vI to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.
Step 1: Create a Program:
a. Go to the 'Programs/Attributes' app
b. Click 'Program'
c. Click 'Add new' at the top-right of your screen - you will see this screen:
a. Fill out:
Short name (identical to' Name'. Note that 'Short name' must be 50 characters or less.)
Select the 'Type' as 'Without registration'
b. Select 'Data entry method for option sets' from the following options (Drop-down lists is default);
c. Select available attributes by double-clicking on them. They will be displayed in the box to the right.
d. Click 'Add' at the bottom of the screen to save your new Program.
Step 2: Create Program Stages:
a. From the 'Program Management' screen, left click your newly created program and select "View program stages".
b. Right click the existing Program Stage (Which will have the same name as your Event Tracker Program) and select 'Edit'. You will see the following screen:
c. Select the Data Elements you want for this Program.
d. Click Update when finished.
Step 3: Assign Program to OrgUnit(s)
a. Click once on the program name (from the list of Programs Management screen), and click 'assign the Program to an Organizational Unit'
Step 4: Assign Program to User Role(s)
a. Consider which User role(s) should have access to this program.
b. Visit 'Users' app
c. Click 'User Role'
d. Choose the role(s), click once, and select 'Edit'.
e. Select the Program, and use the arrow to move right. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the form.