Indicators Create and Edit - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Create Indicators in DHIS2.
Individual Data Elements that are disaggregated into subcategories (i.e. categories or option sets) can automatically aggregate together, in any manner, through the reporting apps (Data Visualizer & Pivot Tables)
Indicators are disconnected from the value of Data Elements, and therefore can be changed without affecting the underlying raw data.
Commonly used numbers (e.g. 1) can be saved as a Constant to reduce the need to be manually entered into formulas.
Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to creating Indicators.
Step 1: Go to the 'Data Elements/Indicators' app:
Step 2: Click 'Indicator' at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Click the '+' icon, you will see this screen:
Step 4: Fill out:
a. Name
b. Short name (identical to Name). Note that Short name must be 50 characters or less.
c. Select Indicator Type from the following options (null is default):
d. Click 'Edit numerator'.
Double click the required Data Element(s), and use the mathematical function buttons, to form the required calculation.
Click 'Done' when finished.
See the example:
e. Click 'Edit numerator'.
Double click the required Data Element(s), and use the mathematical function buttons, to form the required calculation.
Click 'Done' when complete
Step 5: Click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to save your new Indicator.
Step 6: To edit an Indicator, select it from the Indicator management screen.
Step 7: Make the desired edits and click 'Save'