Users Create User Group - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki


  • Create a new User Group in DHIS2.


  • Many users do not have authorities to do this task.

  • Reports, dashboards, and many objects (indicators, data elements, etc) can be 'shared' in DHIS2. These are shared, or hidden from, User Groups


Step 1: Go to the 'Users' app:

Step 2: Click 'User':


b. Click 'Add new', you will see this screen:

Step 3: Select one or more Users and/or User Groups for this User Group.

You will see a list of what is available to select on the left side. Double-click each role you want to give to this User.


Step 4: Click 'Add' at the bottom of the screen to save your new User Role.