Data Entry Mobile - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Use a mobile device, or Android emulator, to enter data into DHIS2. This can be used for routine data entry, event capture or tracker capture.
- See the links below for video walkthroughs from the Online Curriculum that relate to this task:
Use an Android phone or Android emulator.
Step 1: To sign in to DHIS2 on your smart phone you must use an Android phone, or an Android emulator on your computer (we use GenyMotion - the instructions* are on the Notebook page just below this one.)
Step 2: There are four main apps. The apps are available at the Google Play store, but it's advised by DHIS2 developers to use the versions from GitHUB - as you'll want to match your version of DHIS2 with the app version. GooglePlay only posts the most recent app version.
Step 3: Login to your DHIS2 instance to find the DHIS2 Version. You'll want to test an app version that is equal to or less than your DHIS2 version. Click Profile > About DHIS2.
From this example, we'll want app versions that include '2.25' or earlier in the title:
Step 4: Download your app from GitHUB
Event Capture | For use specifically with event capture |
Data Capture | Standard data entry (aggregate) |
Tracker Capture | Specifically for tracker capture |
Dashboard | Visual display of reports (not pivot tables) |
To install: download the 'APK' file onto your device or emulator, and open the fie. You will have to enable allowing something called "Unknown sources", since the app doesn't come from the Google Play store.
Step 5: At present, there are no official user guides for the apps - we are working on material and will post soon. The apps are generally intuitive and user friendly. Use the 'back' button on your phone to navigate back.
Step 6: If you cannot login, you have a user login issue. Contact your system admin.
Step 7: If the app is crashing, you are using a version that is not compatible (or supported) by the DHIS2 version. Uninstall that version, and download another.