Ruihe - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki
Ruihe was a city lost to the forest in an unknown age, overgrown by particularly aggressive trees. Roots as thick as an elephant snake through moss-covered corridors, sometimes with surprising swiftness.
Ruihe (bad future)
'Locust Princess'
Building Frenzy (Barbarian) / Separate Existence, Whiff of Sorcery (Chaos Mage)
+2 The Broken One / -1 Great Gold Wyrm
Inveterate Japester (3), Broodmother (5)
1st level spawn:
attack, various
defense, Chaos Blessing | Warped Healing
iconic, various
melee, 1d8+STR / Lvl damage at Lvl+STR versus AC
quick, Controlled Rage