Age of the Ground Arising - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki
Ancient Ghosts created the Library of Memories upon one of the remaining sky islands, as a record to help rebuild civilization after future catastrophes. Each text in this library is the necromantically preserved memory of a living creature.
The Imperial Legion began experimenting with the forbidden Spell of Uplifting on malignant architecture, creating some of the first Living Dungeons. These experiments quickly got out of hand as the dungeons expanded or multiplied.
A magical space-distorting shield surrounding the Splinter Kingdom became sentient and hostile to all life, not just the kingdom's enemies. Some believe the vat-born creature chained deep below escaped, absorbing the ancient dwarven halls around it and becoming a new kind of living dungeon.
This Age ended when an occult catastrophe caused time itself to become unreliable, with bubbles where times moves faster or slower appearing, growing, and popping seemingly at random.