Splinter Kingdom - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki


The King of the Splinter Kingdom is made by a rite of investiture. Once the outgoing King has nominated a suitable candidate to the Inquisitorial Synod, its entire membership (barring those on critical missions) gathers for the confirmation vote and ceremony.

All Inquisitors are members of the Synod, but cannot vote from beyond the capitol. While lodged in the capitol under the Order of Chrythanthemums' auspices, they are of course subject to the traditional vows of silence.


In the Age of Vat Born Monsters a Splinter Kingdom broke away from the Empire, feeling the Emperor did not protect them, and turned to occult methods of the Archmage. (As we know now, it is always folly to trust a mage.)

In the Age of the Ground Arising magical space-distorting shield surrounding the Splinter Kingdom became sentient and hostile to all life, not just the kingdom's enemies.

In the [Age of the Crusader]] [[Ancient Ghosts]] haunted the Splinter Kingdom, enveloping it in silence. There are still places or words that attract the ghosts of great silences, including certain battle cries. When [the first Crusader broke this silence, the Splinter Kingdom reached the zenith of its influence and exterminated most magic in their surrounding area.

In the Age of Death Triumphant, the Lich King's vassals ruled over most of the known world. The Splinter Kingdom was one of the few pockets of resistance.