Age of Cascading Hours - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki

The Living Dungeon of the Ancient Ghosts was created when a group of ghosts found synergy with one of the less immediately hostile dungeons, and felt it would make an even more secure library.

Because the Living Dungeons appeared to be immune to the time distortions, Tieflings created the Hall of Time Experimentation to try to find out why. When this age came to an end, Tieflings were responsible for restoring the orderly flow of time.

The fishermen who survived to this era came under the sway of the mysterious Prince of Shadows. Their initiates are taught to navigate with a broken compass, as a lesson in self-reliance.

When the Things That Live in Vats met the Living Dungeons in this era, the race of gargoyles arose. These creatures are half-architecture, half-voracious, and can be persuaded to fortify your buildings if you can figure out the right incentives.

Despite knowing the risks, the [Imperial Legion]] turned the mines surrounding the [[Splinter Kingdom]] into Living Dungeons. [Dwarven wardens still guard underground passages in the Splinter Kingdom against this shark-like menace.

After finally destroying the occult shield surrounding them and defeating many of the Living Dungeons that beset them, the Splinter Kingdom became fiercely anti-magic, and founded an order of wizard-hunting inquisitors.

When the time distortions stopped, many of the Living Dungeons also suddenly vanished. Some say that they will one day return.

This Age ended when the giants returned to take their terrible vengeance upon the Imperial Legion.