Age of the Sky Empire - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki

To reach and conquer the sky islands, the Imperial Legion learned to tame dragons. Bribe them? Close enough.

In the sky islands, the tieflings formed a new community away from their terrible mother, [the Diabolist]]. There is a [pillar in the sky marking this moment, and tieflings take pilgrimage there when they come of age.

The few fishermen who survived to reach the sky islands struggled to find a new purpose. To say one is acting 'like a fisherman in the clouds', for utter foolishness, comes from this era.

Mountains are said to be the bodies of giants that the Imperial Legion tossed off the sky islands to make room for Imperial refugees.

This Age ended when natural world turned on the Empire and the sea rose up, or perhaps the majority of sky islands finally tumbled into the oceans below.