The Emperor - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki

In a past age, The First Emperor lead a legion defending human settlements from monsters and living dungeons. Today, what was the empire is divided into dozens of small kingdoms, and those who wish for its return are seen as a foolish but relatively harmless cult.

Those who long for the glory days of the Empire exist in almost every city in the known world. Most sects are groups of harmless grousers who want an excuse to complain more than they really want anything to change. Watch out for those groups who exhibit a distressing combination of devotion, delusion, and desperation.

The Emperor-In-Exile

The current heir still commands the loyalty of the Imperial cult, as well as a small flight of actual dragons. Wishing to help those who call to her, but knowing the destructive nature of the forces at her command, she alternates between periods of well-hidden seclusion and (when appropriately petitioned and appraised of a terrible injustice) raining down righteous fury. There are rumors that she sometimes walks through the Empire's kingdoms in disguise, but that may be wishful thinking by those who hope for her intervention.