Instrumental University - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki
A university administered by The Archmage. The university contains the Halls of Time Experimentation, which were key to a great working that saved the world, and brought an end to the Age of Cascading Hours. Most other departments at the university are less well known... but generally better funded.
'Exiled Guardian'
Double Melee Attack, Ranger ex Cathedral (Ranger) / Into the Fray (Commander)
-2 Crusader / ~1 Archmage
Veteran of the Burning Sky (5), Forsaken Priest (3)
Sole present survivor of a gravitational rift during the battle which ended the last age, skipping her ahead in time and severely janking her divine magic.
The Source, normally a flowing tapestry of woven metal, is now always jagged bleeding edges. It knows she doesn't belong. Can the mages send her back? Or do only dragons hold that power?
1st level encounter:
21+ hp, 14+ AC, 11+ PD, 12+ MD
polearm, 1d6 + STR / Lvl damage at Lvl+STR versus AC
-> (even) repeat once
quick, Outmaneuver vs highest (engaged) MD
hammer of faith
basic tactical strike | rally now