Age of the Burning Sky - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki
At the [shattered pillar]] marking their freedom from [the Diabolist , both [Splinter Kingdom]] inquisitors and renegade [Tiefling time wizards are anointed in holy fire. The [Great Gold Wyrm]] sends forth these [[Wyrm-Touched Paladins]] to combat the [undead nobility. The pillar, repaired with gold, still seeks to mark those it deems worthy.
A worthy Crusader exists somewhere, and will someday return to rule the Splinter Kingdom. About half of its people think this is just great.
[Living Dungeons]] returned from wherever the [Tieflings banished them.
This Age ended when the sun's wrath fell upon the land, as dragonflights of The Three and the Great Gold Wyrm struggled for dominance.