Factions - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki

Merged with Icons.

Generate a polity:

Roll 2d12 of different colors to determine which icons have an unusual connection to the given place.

LIGHT: The polity has + relationship with this icon. If they are not its subjects (especially of a heroic icon), then perhaps a great favor was done at some point.

DARK: The polity has - relationship with this icon. If they have not been its victim (esp. of a villainous icon), then perhaps they resist for some other reason.

  • 2: ORC-LORD
  • 4: EMPEROR
  • 5: ELF-QUEEN
  • 6: WYRM
  • 7: LICH-KING
  • 9: RED
  • 11: CRUSADER
  • 12: BLUE

Finally, pick Might, Treasure, Influence, or Territory. The polity is rank 2 in that, and rank 1 in everything else. (Sovereignty is always 1, and can't be bought down.) Ranks can be transferred to other stats, but it takes two 1s to increase from rank 2 to 3; two 3s to make a 4; and so on.

Unlike towns, cities start at rank 2 in everything. And so on upwards.


[4][8] - This town was founded by retired members of the Imperial Legion. Their descendants have resisted worship of the true gods, citing the Lost Age as a time they were forsaken. Its stats are 0/2/2/1/1, because their fighters were killed by the undying lords.