Page Index - UQdeco2800/2021-ext-studio-2 GitHub Wiki
236 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Gameplay
- Game Design
- Features Design
- Code Guidelines
- Background Music Selection
- Achievements Ecosystem - Code Guidelines
- Food and Water System
- Asset Creation
- User Testing
- Achievements User Testing
- Testing
- Game Engine
- Troubleshooting
- Achievement Enhancement User Testing
- Achievement interface improvement
- Achievements and Storyline
- Achievements Important Events
- Achievements Screen
- Achievements Screen Feature Design
- Achievements Screen and Game Storyline UI Testing
- Achievements Screen Feature Design
- Achievements System
- Achievements System Testing
- Achievements Trophies and Cards Design
- Adding Achievements
- AI
- Alien Monkey
- Alien plants
- Alien Plants & Variation Testing
- Animations
- Audio
- back to menu in gameoverscreen player die and show gameoverscreen.
- Background & Terrain implementation
- Background & Terrain implementation test
- background image
- BGM design
- BGM Testing
- BGM testing sprint4
- BonusItems
- Buff and Debuff Implementation
- Buff and Debuff Manual User Testing
- Buffer time
- Buffer_timer_before_game_start
- Buffs
- Buffs and Debuffs Manual
- Buffs And Debuffs Testing
- Buying Props User Testing
- Camera Angle and The Player's Perspective
- Changeable background
- Changeable background & Buffer time testing
- Chapters
- ChooserGUI_Addition_Guide
- ChooserGUI_Implementation
- ChooserGUI_Persistence
- Clock
- Clock & Scoreboard Testing
- code for buff and dedbuff animations
- Code Smell & Logger Messages
- Components
- Concurrency & Threading
- Configuring Entities
- Date Time Utils
- DateTimeUtils Testing
- Debuffs
- Debug Terminal
- Decrease Health
- Derease Health
- distance board
- distance board testing
- Distance Display Testing Plan
- Emotional Goals
- Enemy testing
- Entities
- Entity Component System (ECS)
- Event System
- FaceHugger
- Falling meteorites
- Falling Meteorites Testing
- Food & Water System (Team 2)
- Food and Water System
- Food and Water System Team2
- Game achievements
- Game achievements UI Testing
- Game Areas
- Game Engine Help
- Game Instruction
- Game Instruction 2
- Game Instruction button
- Game Instruction Code
- Game Instruction User Testing
- Game over screen
- Game Over Screen and function explanation
- Game Over Screen buttons and function implementation
- Game over screen feature such as show game overscreen when player die, show total score, choose play again or back to main menu
- Game over screen test sprint 4
- Game Over Screen UML diagram
- Game Records
- Game Screens
- Game Story
- Getting Started
- Goals and Objectives
- GoldComponent
- History Board Testing plan
- history scoreboard
- History Scoreboard Details
- History Scoreboard Testing
- History Scoreboard Testing plan
- Hitting Obstructions
- HUD User Interface
- Hunger and Thirst
- Hunger and Thirst icon code guidelines
- Hunger and Thirst Testing
- Hunger and Thirst User Test
- Hunger and Thirst User Testing
- In Game Background Music
- Increase Health
- Increase Health Limit
- Increase Hunger
- Increase Thirsty
- Infinite Generating Terrains_Implementation Explanation
- infinite loop game
- Infinite loop game and Terrain Testing
- Influences
- Input Handling Overview
- Inventory system
- Inventory system UI layout
- inventory trigger button press testing
- Invisible ceiling
- Invisible ceiling guide
- Invisible ceiling test
- Item bar
- item bar function
- Item bar system
- Item bar system testing
- Item Bar System Testing Plan
- Item Pickup
- Item Pickup Testing
- Itembar System: itembar
- Items testing
- Loading Resources
- Logging
- MacOS Setup Guide
- Magma and nails code implementation
- Main Character
- Main Character Movement, Interactions and Animations
- Main Character Player Testing
- Main Character Testing
- Main Menu Button Code
- Main Menu Button_code
- Main Menu Screen
- Monster Manual Code
- Monster Manual Design
- Monster Manual Testing
- Multiple Maps Explanation
- Multiple maps testing plan
- Music Implementation
- Music Selection GUI
- Musics Implementation Testing plan
- New game over screen sprint 4
- New Setting Screen
- New terrain sprint 4
- New terrain textures on bonus map test
- Obstacle testing
- Obstacles Enemies
- Obstacles Enemies Code
- Obstacles Gameplay
- Other Related Coder for Obstacles
- Particle effect
- Particle effect testing
- Particle Effects Code
- Physics
- Pickable Items
- Pixel Grid Resolution
- Player Attack testing
- Player die show gameoverscreen, total points collected and back to main menu button.
- Player Status testing
- PlayerStatus Gameplay
- Prop store layout
- Props design
- Props Store UI Design
- Props store user testing
- propsStore version2
- Randomised Item Drops
- Recycle system
- Recycle system code
- Recycle System Testing
- Recycle System Testing Plan
- Rocks and Woods generation
- Rocks and Woods generation test
- Rocks and woods layout optimization
- Rocks and woods testing plan
- Score History Display
- Score Screen UI enhancements
- Scoreboard
- Scoring System
- Scoring System Explanation Sprint 3 & Bug Fix Sprint 4
- Scoring System Implementation Explanation
- Scoring System Implementation Explanation Main
- Scoring System Implementation Explanation Sprint 2
- Scoring System Sprint2 Testing plan
- Scoring System Testing
- Scoring System Testing Plan
- Scrolling Background Explanation
- Service Locator
- Settings
- Settings screen improvements
- Sound Effect design
- Sound Effect User test
- Spaceship and Map Entry Design
- Spaceship Boss Code
- Spaceship Boss Testing
- Sprint 1 Main Character Movement and Animation
- Sprint 1 Main Character Movement and Animation
- Sprint 2 Main Character Interaction and Movement Animations
- Sprint 3 Main Character New Unlockable Attires and Functionality improvement
- Sprint 4 terrain test
- Sprint 4: Main Player Character
- Sprint2 Food and Water System Code
- Style
- Terrain
- Terrains
- The Main Menu User Test
- The New Button User Test in Setting Page
- The new Main Menu Title and Buttons User Test
- The New Style for Buttons
- The New Style for Game Title
- The Tutorial Page User Testing
- Tutorial Page User Testing
- UI
- UML Sequence diagram of enemies obstacles
- Unit Testing
- User Testing chooser GUI
- Using the Input System
- Variation thorns
- Water System