Achievement Enhancement User Testing - UQdeco2800/2021-ext-studio-2 GitHub Wiki
Determine the effects of the enhancements added to Achievements in sprint 2
This questionnaire is based on the features added in sprint 2 to enhance the achievement system from sprint 1. Users were made to play the game via remote control on zoom. First they tested the game from sprint 1 and then they tested the game from sprint 2.
How satisfactory is the achievement notification sound?
How effectively do the scoreboards and bonus scoreboards complement each other?
What are your thoughts on the new achievements (Healer, Master and Stranger)?
How would you evaluate the game's improvement from sprint 1 to sprint 2?
What changes can be made to the achievement notification sound?
What are your views about the bonus scoreboard?
Do the new achievements enhance your gameplay?
Are the achievements (healer, master and stranger) easy to understand?
Achievement notification sound:
The classic retro game sound is good.
Views on bonus scoreboard:
Bonus should be above the scoreboard as it is smaller in size.
New achievements on enhancing gameplay:
Master achievement requires a good challenge and makes the game fun.
Achievements - ease of understanding:
Achievements are easy to understand but I do lose track of what all has been unlocked.
Achievement notification sound:
The achievement sound should have more contrast with the background game music.
Views on bonus scoreboard:
Bonus looks alright next to the scoreboard as both are related to scoring.
New achievements on enhancing gameplay:
It is nice to have healer and master achievements as I get to put effort towards unlocking new rewards.
Achievements - ease of understanding:
I did not understand what the stranger achievement was, rest all very easy to understand.
Achievement notification sound:
The achievement sound reminds me of Mario and makes it more appealing to play.
Views on bonus scoreboard:
Bonus and scoreboard have matching color schemes and look good.
New achievements on enhancing gameplay:
Achievements popping on the screen make it more rewarding to play.
Achievements - ease of understanding:
Healer and master are pretty straightforward but I don't know what stranger achievement is.
The overall feedback gathered from sprint 2 enhancements and addition of auditory feedback was more than optimal. Leading to the further continuation in the development of the feature. However the interpretation of conditions of achievements like "Stranger" can be strongly improved for intuitive understanding of the condition. Moreover, some of the users complained about the Background Music mixing in with the achievement notification sounds which can further fixed in future sprints.