Release_Notes - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki


Released on September 23, 2024.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

  • Many deprecated classes were deleted, including obsolete links such as GunnsFluidImpeller, ConverterElect, FetSwitchElect, SolarArray, and others.
  • Much code cleanup submitted by the user community including fixes to many compile warnings, spelling errors and minor bugs.
  • The Inlet Dependency effect was added to pressure sensitive valve links such as GunnsFluidRegulatorValve.
  • GunnsFluidMetabolic2 was upgraded to input externally-supplied biases to metabolic loads.
  • Some fixes were made to support Trick checkpoint/restart.
  • Continuous Integration testing was expanded to include running Address Sanitizer (ASan) on the unit tests.
  • A much improved solar cell model was added to GunnsElectPvArray, as GunnsElectPvArrayV2.
  • Monte Carlo Optimization was improved by finishing the monte carlo manager, gradient descent and particle-swarm optimization classes.
  • The solver and link base class were upgraded to enable using compressed link admittance matrixes.
  • Various other minor upgrades and fixes.

Issues closed in this release:

#75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #82, #83, #87, #90, #91, #92, #93, #100, #101, #104, #108, #109, #120, #122, #123, #127


Released on May 4, 2023.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

Issues closed in this release:

#37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #68, #69, #72, #73


Released on December 6 2021.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

Issues closed in this release:

#11, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36


Released on 4/14/21.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release. Possible backwards-compatibility issues for users are in bold:

  • To resolve a name collision with another project, ms-utils/math/Math.hh was renamed to MsMath.hh, and all other code refactored to match. Note that if you have any code that depends on Math.hh, you’ll need to refactor.
  • The GunnsDraw Visio migration script draw/ has been changed to support Visio 2013+ .vsdx files, and no longer supports the old .vsd file format.
  • New Dockerfiles have been added to allow users to easily build & run in a Trick/GUNNS linux environment.
  • New fluid types MMH and NTO (hypergolic liquid propellants) have been added. The fluid properties have been added to allow modeling of tanks & plumbing, but note we’ve not yet added the combustion model & thermodynamic coefficients for use in the GunnsFluidSimpleRocket link.
  • The solver’s minor step log (for debugging non-linear or electrical networks) was re-designed. It outputs more useful data in a more human-readable format.
  • Added an optional mutex lock around network updates to thread-safe handshaking with other models (non-trick sim bus interfaces).
  • Fixed some stability problems with the GunnsElectPvArray link, and added a spreadsheet to aid with tuning it to aspects/electrical/SolarArray/.
  • An optional simple electrical fuse model was added in series with user loads. This can model the fuse blowing if the user load pulls too much current.
  • Super-network auto-generation script draw/ has new options to update embedded sub-networks from their source drawings. Should be less need to re-draw super-network drawings from scratch every time you tweak a sub-network drawing.

Issues closed in this release:

GitHub: #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10

ESGL GitLab: #3, #11, #94, #120, #126, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138, #139, #140, #142, #143, #144, #146, #147, #148, #149, #150, #152

Issues with partial implementation in this release:

ESGL GitLab: #151


Released on 6/4/2020.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

  • Networks of type aspects/thermal/network/ThermalNetwork can now be used in super-networks.
  • Fixes and improvements to GunnsElectConverter, GunnsElectPvArray and GunnsElectPvRegShunt for improved network convergence during degraded solar arrays or low light.
  • Various minor fixes to electrical aspect links and GunnsDraw super-network export scripts.

Release Notes:

  • From #124, all drawings containing GunnsElectConverterInput must be re-exported via the GunnsDraw script. A new configuration data term was added to the Converter Input shape for the optional input current sensor. The drawing re-export is required to update the converter link’s configuration data terms to be in the new correct order.
  • From #126, all super-network drawings should be re-exported to correct a flaw in the exported Trick input file.
  • From #133, ThermalNetwork objects should now be given their instance name in their constructor call. They can still be given their name in the initialize method call, for backward-compatiblity.

Issues closed in this release:

#107, #117, #123, #124, #125, #127, #128, #129, #130, #131, #132, #133

Issues with partial implementation in this release:



Released on 1/13/2020.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

  • GunnsDraw, which is the replacement to GunnShow & Visio.
    • Includes migrations script to convert legacy GunnsShow drawings to GunnsDraw.
  • Redesigned fluid transport in all fluid links to eliminate mass & energy conservation errors due to the mass overflow limitation in most cases.
    • This will have a big re-design impact on any user’s custom fluid links.
  • A new distributed simulation fluid interface link, allowing stability in more tightly-coupled, high-latency interfaces.
  • A new electrical short-circuit link and utility model for inclusion in other links.
  • New input and output links for an improved electrical converter model, allowing faster network solve times, less command-response latency, and more flexibility in network arrangement than the old model.
  • GunnShow is not included in this release.
    • We are retaining our GunnShow GitLab repository for legacy users to help them with migration to GunnsDraw.
    • GunnShow will no longer be supported.
  • Many utilities in gunns/ms-utils/ that GUNNS never uses or tests are being deleted. If these are needed in the future, they can be restored from prior releases of GUNNS that included them.
  • New heat exchanger links with improved fidelity.
  • Remove the dependency on sqlite. This will remove the sqlite option from the Health & Status system.
  • Adding an example space vehicle simulation with example networks of all aspects.

Issues closed in this release:

#76, #78, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #88, #89, #90, #91, #92, #96, #97, #98, #99, #100, #101, #102, #103, #105, #106, #108, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #118, #119, #121, #122

Issues with partial implementation in this release:

Release notes:

  • From #121, there is a refactoring impact on legacy networks that used SwitchElect links. Their config & input data contained SwitchConfigData and SwitchInputData; these must be changed to GunnsElectSwitchUtilConfigData and GunnsElectSwitchUtilInputData in the drawing and the network re-exported.


Released on 10/22/2018.

Here is a summary of the changes in this release:

Issues closed in this release:

#29, #39, #42, #47, #60, #63, #65, #66, #67, #68, #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #77

Issues partially implementated in this release:

NOTE: There may be refactoring impacts to the users from issues #29, #74. See the release notes in these pages for more details.


Released on 10/17/17.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

Issues closed in this release:

#31, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #40, #41, #43, #44, #45, #45, #46, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #62

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:

NOTE: There are refactoring impacts to the users from issues #50. See the release notes in these pages for more details.


Released on 3/20/17.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

  • Migration of the central git host & issue tracker to the ESGL GitLab.
  • Improved rocket model fidelity with hi-fi combustion & chemical equilibrium model.
  • Generic gas turbine model
  • Linux 7 & Trick 17 compatibility, including “Trick-ified” compiled libraries.
  • Consolidated and redesigned battery model
  • A simpler, more ideal pressure regulator model
  • Generic gas inflatable bag/balloon model
  • Generic thermoelectric model, for modeling thermoelectric generators, coolers, and thermocouples.
  • Generic thermal phase change battery model.
  • Thermal Desktop importing and Thermal Aspect Registry (from TS21)
    • tinyxml utility has been imported directly into ms-utils, no longer needed as an external package
  • Super-Networks
  • New compiled libraries for unit test & Trick sims.
  • New dynamics aspect, with limited initial capability.
  • Trace compounds:
    • can be transported between networks in external supply/demand links,
    • Network’s trace compounds configuration can be changed in the input file.

Issues closed in this release:

#342, #346, #10, #12, #13, #359, #360, #14, #363, #16, #1, #7, #8, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #25, #26, #30

NOTE: There are refactoring impacts to the users from issues #342, #14. See the release notes in these pages for more details.

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:


There is a NASA Technology Disclosure for this release, more info here.


Released on 7/8/16.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

  • New link types for modeling: rocket engines, fluid & basic network flow controllers, electrical selector switch, power function resistor
  • New fluid type GUNNS_WATER_PVT
  • Improved error checking and reporting in GunnShow
  • Improved support for vectors of primitives in GunnShow link shape data

Issues closed in this release:

#344, #345, #347, #348, #349, #351, #355, #356, #357

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:

#343, #350


Released on 4/6/16.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

  • New Trace_Compounds basic capability
  • Several new link types for modelling: thermoelectric effect, membrane absorbers, simplified phase-change flows and flow source boundary conditions
  • Heats of reaction added to chemical reactor links

NOTE: There are potential refactoring impacts to the users from issues #338. See the release notes in these pages for more details.

More details and release notes can be found in the comments for the issues below.

Issues closed in this release:

#280, #313, #329, #330, #331, #333, #334, #335, #336, #337, #338, #339, #340, #341

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:

#286, #287, #328


Released on 9/28/2015.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

  • Support for a Trick-less compiled library
  • Redesigned and improved mass overflow and non-conservation metrics for fluid networks
  • New GunnsThermalMultiPanel link
  • New fluid types NAK78 and GALDEN170
  • New GunnsFluidFlowIntegrator spotter
  • A new Sim Bus example sim
  • Cleaned out most ISS-specific links & shapes from GUNNS & GunnShow
  • New GunnsFluidHiFiOrifice and GunnsFluidHiFiValve links

NOTE: There are potential refactoring impacts to the users from issues #306, #314. See the release notes in these pages for more details.

More details and release notes can be found in the comments for the issues below.

Issues closed in this release:

#302, #303, #305, #306, #307, #308, #309, #310, #311, #312, #314, #316, #317, #318, #321, #322, #323, #324, #326

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:

#259, #279, #282, #286, #313, #325


Released on 6/19/2015.

Here is a summary of the major changes in this release:

  • Compatibility with Trick 15.0, which is now open-source on GitHub. We are still compatible with Trick 13.5.
  • Many new chemical compound types have been added – mainly trace compounds of interest to an ECLSS environment.
  • A few new chemical reactions have been added for modelling LiOH CO2 scrubbers.
  • New fluid liquid types HFE-7100 and Propylene Glycol 30%.
  • Increased max pressure range of real gas O2 & N2 fluids.
  • Improvements to matrix conditioning reducing fluid mass loss.
  • Improved stability filter in the solar array model.
  • The solar array model has been upgraded to work outside of Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
  • Improvements to checkpoint repeatability and portability.
  • Fixed conservation of energy in fluid convective heat transfer.

NOTE: There are potential refactoring impacts to the users from issues #289, #294, #298. See the release notes in these pages for more details.

More details and release notes can be found in the comments for the issues below.

Issues closed in this release:

#263, #276, #277, #278, #285, #288, #289, #292, #294, #295, #296, #297, #298, #301

Issues that have partial implementation in this release:

#274, #279, #281, #282, #286


Released on 1/15/2015.


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