GunnsFluidTypeChangeConductor - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki



This link extends GunnsFluidConductor with the ability to transform the fluid flowing through it from one type to another. This is mainly intended as a conversion between fluid properties types for the same compound in different parts of a network, such as between GUNNS_O2 and GUNNS_O2_REAL_GAS. There is an illustration of this concept and its uses below.

This is similar to the GunnsFluidPhaseChangeConductor, except that this can transform between any fluid types, even different chemical compounds, and this does not calculate the heat of phase change. For changing the phase of a single fluid type, such as between GUNNS_H2O (gas) and GUNNS_WATER (liquid), the GunnsFluidPhaseChangeConductor should be used instead of this link.

This can convert multiple fluid types at the same time.

How To Use in GunnsDraw

This is a 2 port fluid conductor link. It can be attached to nodes the same way as GunnsFluidConductor. Below is an example picture of an intended use of this link. The gas is stored in a very high pressure tank, for which the Ideal Gas Law is not accurate enough, but we have other areas in the same network where we want to use the Ideal Gas version of the compound. So we use this link to convert the fluid types of the same compound between its Ideal Gas version and the real gas version as it flows back and forth:


Port Connection Rules

These are limitations on the port connection to nodes that the link enforces in run-time:

  • The node's fluid phase must match the phase of every fluid type specified in the fluidTypesPort configuration data for the specified port.

Configuration Data Parameters:

  • maxConductivity: same as GunnsFluidConductor.
  • fluidTypesPort0 (default = {}): this is a list of FluidProperties types that are converted at the Port 0 node. For forward flow from Port 0 to Port 1, these types are converted to their corresponding types you define for Port 1 (below). For example, to convert between GUNNS_N2 at Port 0 and GUNNS_N2_REAL_GAS at Port 1, then this field would be {FluidProperties::GUNNS_N2} and the fluidTypesPort1 would be {FluidProperties::GUNNS_N2_REAL_GAS}. Multiple type conversions can be specified by adding multiple fluid types to each list, separated by commas. So to add the same conversion on O2 to this example, then this field would be: {FluidProperties::GUNNS_N2, FluidProperties::GUNNS_O2} and fluidTypesPort1 would be {FluidProperties::GUNNS_N2_REAL_GAS, FluidProperties::GUNNS_O2_REAL_GAS}.
  • fluidTypesPort1 (default = {}, list must be equal in length to fluidTypesPort0): this is a list of FluidProperties types that are converted at the Port 1 node. See the examples in fluidTypesPort0 above.

Input Data Parameters:

Common Problems:

  • N/A


  • N/A