Super Network Drawings with GunnsDraw - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

See here for a review of super-networks.

Review the general workflow for super-networks with GunnsDraw here.

In Trick simulations, super-networks are configured by a Trick input file.

GunnsDraw can be used to create, modify & maintain a drawing representing an entire super-network, and export the Trick input file that configures it.

The general process is listed here, and each step is detailed below:

  • Use to create a new super-network drawing with chosen sub-network contents.
  • Edit the new super-network drawing in to configure and connect sub-networks.
  • Use to export the Trick input file.
  • Later, use and editing in to modify and maintain the drawing.

There are two ways to make connections between the sub-networks in a super-network drawing. Both methods follow the same general steps listed above, but the details are different:

  1. The Super-Ports Method (the old, original method), whereby you override individual link ports to connect to nodes in another sub-network. The remainder of this wiki pages describes this method.
  2. The Interfaces Method (the new method), whereby you set up interface groups in each sub-network and then connect those together. This method is described in another wiki page linked here.

Both of these methods have pros and cons. The Super-Ports method creates super-drawings that are very large and complicated, and begins to bog down and get sluggish as these drawings become too big. The Interfaces method was developed to avoid that problem - it creates simpler, cleaner & faster drawings, at the cost of less visibility into the complete model.

Super-Ports Method

Here follows a description of how to create and update super-drawings using the original Super-Ports method:

Create a new Super-Network:

The Python script gunns/gunnsdraw/ can be used to create a new super-network drawing. NOTE that it requires the Python Tkinter package -- see here for more information.

This script can't modify an existing drawing. Use and the script for that.

To use

  • Start the script with:
    • $ python <path to your gunns/ folder>/draw/
  • Look for the 'Super-Network Create' window to pop-up.
    • It might not pop-up in front of existing windows, or grab focus, so look for it.

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  • Click the 'Select project path' button:
    • This pops up a file browser dialog.
    • Navigate to and select the project path folder. This should be a common folder to which sub-network source drawings can be navigated from.
  • For each type of sub-network you want to add:
    • Click the 'Add' button.
    • Navigate to and select the sub-network drawing file.
    • Click the '+' and '-' buttons to set how many instances of this sub-network type to add to the super-network.
    • Make sure you get the # of instances correct before you move on to the next sub-network type, as you can't change it once you've moved on. If you need to change a previous sub-network, close the window and start over.
  • Click the 'Select output file' button:
    • Navigate to the desired output folder and enter the name of the drawing file to create.
    • Below is an example screenshot of the window with everything filled out and ready to create the drawing:

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  • Click the 'Create' button to create the super-network drawing.
    • The application will output information and indicate success or failure to the console. For example:
('Creating', '/Users/jharvey1/repos/gunns/sims/networks/fluid/test/ExampleSuperNetwork.xml', '...')
('  Including', 2, 'instances of', '/Users/jharvey1/repos/gunns/sims/networks/fluid/test/distributedIf/DistributedIfFluid.xml')
('  Including', 4, 'instances of', '/Users/jharvey1/repos/gunns/sims/networks/fluid/test/TestFluidNetwork.xml')
  • The initial output super-drawing will look something like this in

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Edit the Super-Drawing in

The initial super-network drawing requires editing in before it can be exported.

  • Edit the Super-Network container:
    • Name the container. This will be the name of the exported Trick input file and the prefix on functions within the file.
    • Optionally, set its SimVariable shape data to the simulation variable of the super-network object. This can help developers as a reference to where to find this super-network in the sim.
  • Edit the sub-network containers:
    • Name each with a unique instance name:
      • These will be the names they are reference by within the exported Trick input file.
      • The order of arguments to the Trick input file match the initial order of the sub-networks as they are listed in the initial output of
      • Note that the order is changed if you 'To Front' or 'To Back' any of the sub-networks. Normally you shouldn't need to modify the order, so it is best to not arrange the Front/Back-ness of the sub-networks.
    • Expand and arrange the containers to your liking. They can be expanded or collapsed when exporting, but expanding them is necessary to create super-port connections, below. You will want to resize the Super-Network container to still wrap around and contain them all.
    • Optionally, set each sub-network's SimVariable shape data to its variable name in the sim.
  • Create super-port connections between the sub-networks.
    • Open the GUNNS_Super.xml shape library and use the red Super Port connectors to connect nodes and links across sub-networks.
    • Just like regular ports, these must only connect nodes to links, and not nodes to nodes or links to links.
    • The super-port's label (0, 1, 2, etc.) controls which regular port's connection is overridden.
    • Note that a sub-network that has no connections to other sub-networks doesn't need to be in the super-network, and degrades super-network performance for no benefit.

Below is an example super-drawing after some editing (note this isn't the same as we created above):

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Modify & Export a Super-Network:

The script is used to export the Trick input file that configures the super-network in the Trick sim. It also does some maintenance updates to the source super-network drawing.

  • Run the script by going into the gunns/draw/ folder, then do: $ python ./
    • You can add the path/filename of the super-network diagram .xml file to the command line, else it will pop up a file selection browser for you to select the file.

Here are the options and arguments the script accepts:

  • -h, --help: shows a help message and exits
  • -d: looks in your ~/Downloads folder for a newer version of the drawing file.
    • This is handy when you run in a web browser that only saves updates to the drawing in your Downloads folder.
    • If it finds a newer date/timestamp on the drawing in your Downloads folder than the file location you specify, it will pop-up a message asking if you want to use the Downloads version or not.
    • If you say yes, it will process the version from your Downloads folder and save the maintained version over the path/file that you selected.
  • -m: Not implemented yet.
  • -g: Not implemented yet.
  • -u PROJECT_PATH: automatically updates all sub-network instances in the super-drawing with the latest contents of their source drawings:
    • add your absolute project path: the script appends the sub-network's source drawing relative path to this path to find the total path to each source drawing.
    • The script will only update from source drawings that have a newer time stamp than the super-network drawing. This allows you to control which sub-network types get updated. If he super-network file drawing is newer than one of the source drawings you want to update from, simply update the source drawing's time stamp with a linux touch command or similar.

Adding & Deleting Sub-Networks

Sub-networks can be added or removed from a super-network drawing after it has been created.

  • To add, simply copy the entire network container box from the sub-network drawing and paste it into the super-network container box in the super-network drawing.
    • Make sure to give the new sub-network a unique name, and update its shape data as applicable.
    • You can also copy sub-networks from inside the super-network.
  • To delete a sub-network, simply delete its network container box from inside the super-network container.
  • When you next run, the script will renumber the super-network nodes in the drawing, and update the new sub-networks shape data as needed.