Fluid_Properties - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Fluid Properties


This table shows the fluid types that are modeled in GUNNS, and their pressure & temperature limits.

Fluid Type Compound Phase min T (K) max T (K) min P (kPa) max P (kPa) Notes
GUNNS_CO Carbon Monoxide Gas 68.16 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_CO2 Carbon Dioxide Gas 100 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_H2O Water Gas 100 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_N2 Diatomic Nitrogen Gas 64 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_O2 Diatomic Oxygen Gas 54.5 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_NH3 Ammonia Gas 100 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_H2 Diatomic Hydrogen Gas 13.957 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_CH4 Methane Gas 91 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_HCL Hydrogen Chloride Gas 100 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_HCN Hydrogen Cyanide Gas 100 2000 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_HE Monatomic Helium Gas 2.1768 1500 1e-64 1e6 1
GUNNS_HE_REAL_GAS Monatomic Helium Gas 2.1768 1000 0 60000 2
GUNNS_XE_REAL_GAS Monatomic Xenon Gas 170 750 0 34473 2
GUNNS_N2_REAL_GAS Diatomic Nitrogen Gas 160 750 0 59090.9 2, 5
GUNNS_O2_REAL_GAS Diatomic Oxygen Gas 160 750 0 59090.9 2, 5
GUNNS_H2_REAL_GAS Diatomic Hydrogen Gas 64 1000 0 80000 2
GUNNS_WATER Water Liquid 200 470 1e-64 1e6
GUNNS_HFE7000 HFE-7000 Liquid 150.65 470 1e-64 1e6 3
GUNNS_HFE7100 HFE-7100 Liquid 138.15 468.45 1e-64 1e6 6
GUNNS_PG30 Propylene Glycol 30% Liquid 260.45 640.5122 1e-64 1e6 4
GUNNS_PG40 Propylene Glycol 40% Liquid 251.56 638.3176 1e-64 1e6 4
GUNNS_PG50 Propylene Glycol 50% Liquid 239.65 636.123 1e-64 1e6 4
GUNNS_AMMONIA Ammonia Liquid 200 320 1e-64 1e6
GUNNS_OXYGEN Diatomic Oxygen Liquid 54.5 160 1e-64 1e6
GUNNS_HYDROGEN Diatomic Hydrogen Liquid 13.957 33.145 1e-64 1e5
GUNNS_METHANE Methane Liquid 91 190 1e-64 1e6
GUNNS_NAK78 Eutectic NaK 78% Liquid 260.55 1058.15 1e-64 1e6 7
GUNNS_GALDEN170 Galden HT-170 Liquid 176.15 443.15 1e-64 1e6 8
GUNNS_WATER_PVT Water Liquid 273.16 373.5065 1e-10 1075.427 9
GUNNS_NTO Nitrogen Tetroxide Liquid 261.95 431.35 1e-64 1e6 10
GUNNS_MMH Monomethyl Hydrazine Liquid 220.0 585.0 1e-64 1e6 11
GUNNS_HYDRAZINE Hydrazine Liquid 274.68 387.4 1e-64 1e6 11


1. Ideal gas.
2. Real-gas compressibility via table-lookup, all other properties identical to the ideal gas type.
3. 3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluid HFE-7000
4. Prior to release 14.2, PG50 was called GUNNS_PROPGLYCOL. The number in the name represents the percentage of propylene glycol (by mass) in aqueous solution.
5. Max P was 50000 kPa prior to release 14.2.
6. 3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluid HFE-7100
7. Liquid metal potassium/sodium in the eutectic 78/22% mixture by mass. Most source data comes from: The Thermophysical and Transport Properties of Eutectic NaK Near Room Temperature, O’Donnell, et.al., Feb. 1989 . This fluid is primarily used as a coolant in nuclear fission reactors. The Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity properties are optimized in the temperature range of 790-960°K. Other properties are optimized near room temperature and values above 80°C held constant. Note: the phase-change properties: Critical Temperature, Saturation Pressure & Temperature, and Heat of Vaporization should not be used. We haven’t found data for these for NaK-78 and we used the properties for water as a placeholder instead.
8. Galden PFPE Perfluoropolyether Fluorinated Fluids . Note: The phase-change properties: saturation curve & Heat of Vaporization are only accurate at 25°C, as data has not been found at other points. We assumed a Critical Temperature equal to water’s and the saturation & heat of vaporization curves will be less accurate away from 25°C.
9. Liquid water with realistic compressibility and thermal expansion via table lookup, all other properties are identical to the GUNNS_WATER type.
10. “USAF Propellant Handbooks, Nitric Acid/Nitrogen Tetroxide Oxidizers”, Vol. II, Martin Marietta Corp., Feb. 1977. This is also good for the MON-1 and MON-3 mixtures of NTO and nitric acid. MON-3 is common, used in the Space Shuttle and modern vehicles.
11. “USAF Propellant Handbooks, Hydrazine Fuels”, Vol. I, Bell Aerospace Corp., Mar. 1970.

General Notes:

  • The T limits range usually encompasses the fluid’s entire saturation curve from triple point to critical point. The max T value is the upper limit applied to the fluid’s density property, and this may be more or less than the critical temperature.
  • Some fluid’s minimum T extend below the triple point to support modeling of sublimation/frosting.
  • Although the ideal gasses have a wide T range, their properties are optimized for best accuracy around room temperature, and may diverge significantly from truth near the limits.
  • For some liquid types, compressibility data is unavailable. We give these liquids the compressibility of water.

Modeled Properties

Most of our properties are approximations to the NIST Chemistry WebBook. We consider NIST as our “truth” authority on the real fluid properties.

Molecular Weight

Molecular Weight is a constant for each compound. Multiple fluid types can represent the same compound (diatomic oxygen, for example) so they share the same molecular weight value. We store it in Trick units of (1/mol). We often abbreviate this as MW or MWeight. More on this subject here.

Critical Temperature

Like molecular weight, the liquid-vapor critical temperature Tc is a constant for each compound. All temperatures in GUNNS are stored in units of Kelvins (K).

Pressure & Density

In GUNNS, the Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT or compressibility) equation of state of all fluids is always exactly reversible between P = f(T, V) and V = f(T, P) at a given temperature (isothermal), where density is the inverse of volume. GUNNS itself is flexible to the type of equation of state used, as long as this isothermal reversibility is always satisfied. Thus the equation of state is actually implemented in the fluid properties code and not in GUNNS “core” code. The compressibility between Pressure (kPa) and Density (kg/m3) are implemented differently depending on the equation of state for the type of fluid. Currently we use these types of compressibility equations of state:

  • Ideal Gas, in which the compressibility is linear with temperature, as:

PV/n = RT

  • Real Gas, in which the compressibility is implemented in table lookups. The tables are limited to ranges where density & pressure are reversible, i.e. for every (P, T) there is a unique solution for density and vice-versa.
  • Liquid, where we model density ρ as the following function of P & T, where a, b, c, d, e and f are constants:

ρ = (a + b·P) + (c + d·P)·T + (e + f·P)·T 2

Dynamic Viscosity

We curve fit dynamic viscosity in units of (Pa*s) as a function of temperature.

Specific Heat, Temperature & Specific Enthalpy

We curve fit specific heat at constant pressure Cp as a function of temperature, with units of (J/kg/K). This assumes a thermally perfect gas — it is only a function of temperature and not of pressure.

Like with density and pressure, GUNNS demands an exactly reversible conversion between temperature and specific enthalpy h. Specific enthalpy is related to temperature and specific heat as:

h = Cp · T

Given either h or T, we can find the other term via Cp. We fit Cp as a linear function of T so that:

Cp = a + b · T

h = a·T + b·T 2

Then we can easily solve h given T, and T given h (via the quadratic equation) for reversibility.

Thermal Conductivity

We curve fit fluid thermal conductivity as a function of temperature, in units of (W/m/K).

Prandtl Number

We curve fit Prandtl Number (unitless) as a function of temperature.

Adiabatic Index

We curve fit adiabatic index, also called gamma γ or the heat capacity ratio, as a function of temperature. It is unitless. Since

γ = Cp/Cv,

given Cp and this curve fit for γ we can find the specific heat at constant volume Cv.

Saturation Pressure & Temperature

Like density & pressure, GUNNS requires saturation pressure, also called vapor pressure Ps and saturation temperature Ts to be exactly reversible, so Ps = f(Ts = f(Ps)). This defines the saturation curve for the fluid in pressure and temperature, which is useful for modeling vapor-liquid phase changes (condensation, boiling etc). Normally saturation pressure is modeled with the Antoine equation for limited ranges of temperature. However we need a single fit for the entire range of temperatures, so we fit saturation pressure as:

log10(Ps) = a + b·(1/Tr) + c·(1/Tr) 2

where Tr is the reduced temperature, T/Tc, and a, b, c are constants. This quadratic can then be solved for Tr given Ps, and then Ts found from Tr. These curve fits are accurate within 5% for the entire range between the triple & critical points. They also extend below the triple point, but accuracy begins to worsen. NIST does not give saturation curve data below the triple point, but we still attempt to model it for solid-vapor phase changes (sublimation & frosting).

Saturation pressure is given in units of (kPa). The saturation curve has no meaning above the critical point, so Ps or Ts is upper-bounded at the critical point before solving for the other parameter.

Latent Heat of Vaporization

Usually denoted as dHvap or L, we approximate the latent heat (enthalpy) of vaporization, with units (kJ/kg), as this function of reduced temperature Tr:

L = A · e (-α·Tr) · (1-Tr) β,

where A, α and β are constants. L is always zero for T > Tc. For temperatures below the triple point, accuracy begins to worsen but is good enough for modeling sublimation near the triple point. This equation came from the NIST webbook for Methane, and we applied it to all fluid types.

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