Page Index - UQdeco2800/2021-studio-6 GitHub Wiki
147 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Fireflies game wiki!
- Game Design Documentation:
- Coding
- Design
- User Guide
- Testing
- Game Engine Links:
- AI
- Animations
- Art Direction
- Art Style
- Audio
- Components
- Concurrency & Threading
- Configuring Entities
- Debug Terminal
- Dialogue Boxes
- Emotional Goals
- Enemies Overview
- Enemy Filepaths
- Entities
- Entity Component System (ECS)
- Event System
- Final boss
- Fireflies
- Game Areas
- Game Design Document
- Game Inspiration
- Game Over Screen
- Game Screens
- Getting Started
- Goals and Objectives
- HUD Design Documentation
- IndependentAnimator and Animating Something Not Connected to an Entity
- Input Handling Overview
- Large Enemy
- Level 1
- Level 1 enemy layout testing
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level Environment Assets
- Level Generation (level 2 & 3)
- Level Management
- Lighting Engine
- Lighting Objects
- Loading Resources
- Logging
- Long Range Enemy
- MacOS Setup Guide
- Music
- Pause Menu
- Physics
- Player Abilities
- Player Appearance
- Player Attacks
- Player Combat Guide
- Player Health
- Player Inventory and Pickup Items
- Player Movement
- Player Movement Guide
- Player Overview Description
- Player Statistics
- Player Testing Plan
- Player Torch
- Safehouse Overview
- Service Locator
- Settings
- Short Range Enemy
- Short range enemy design
- Small Enemy
- Spawner Enemy
- Sprint 1: User Testing Player: Thinking Aloud
- Sprint 2: Team 2 (Player & Items) Testing Plan
- Sprint 3 Unlit Renderer
- Sprint 3 Upgraded Weapon Designs
- Sprint 3 User Testing Player: First Iteration Additional Weapon Designs
- Sprint 3 Design: Player Ability Pickups
- Sprint 3 Design: Shop Interface
- Sprint 3 Design: Shopkeeper
- Sprint 3: Cutscene Design
- Sprint 3: Friendly NPC Design
- Sprint 3: Friendly NPCs
- Sprint 3: Player Sound Effects
- Sprint 3: Player State
- Sprint 3: Safehouse Design Testing
- Sprint 3: Safehouse Overview
- Sprint 3: Safehouse Shop Design
- Sprint 3: Shop, Weapons & Saving Testing Plan
- Sprint 3: Story and NPC Testing Plan
- Sprint 3: User Testing Final Boss
- Sprint 3: User Testing Level 1 Assets
- Sprint 3: User Testing Player: Final Weapon Designs
- Sprint 3: User Testing Shop: Shop popup box and buying system
- Sprint 3: User Testing Shopkeeper: Design
- Sprint 3: User Testing Story and NPCs
- Sprint 4 FlickerLightComponent
- Sprint 4 Player Abilities
- Sprint 4 Shop UI Design
- Sprint 4 User Test: Level 3 layout
- Sprint 4 User Testing: Balancing Combat & Items
- Sprint 4 User Testing: Level 2 layout
- Sprint 4 User Testing: Sound Effects
- Sprint 4: Darkness
- Sprint 4: Enemy AI and Interactions
- Sprint 4: Enemy Interaction Testing
- Sprint 4: Enemy Loot
- Sprint 4: Enemy Projectiles
- Sprint 4: Enemy Sound Effects
- Sprint 4: Enemy Testing Plan
- Sprint 4: Environmental Effects
- Sprint 4: Firefly NPC
- Sprint 4: Large Enemy
- Sprint 4: Level 1 Layout
- Sprint 4: Long Range Enemy
- Sprint 4: Player SFX Management
- Sprint 4: Player Sound Effects
- Sprint 4: Polishing Environment Assests
- Sprint 4: Polishing Player Assets
- Sprint 4: Safehouse Overview
- Sprint 4: Small Enemy
- Sprint 4: Spawner Enemy
- Sprint 4: Team 2 Testing Plan
- Sprint 4: Tough Long Range Enemy
- Sprint 4: User Testing Final Boss Level
- Story Manager
- Story Overview
- Story Scene Design Documentation
- Story Testing Plan
- Terrain
- Testing Plan: Interface
- The Wound System
- Title Screen
- Title Screen Design Documentation
- Tough Long Range Enemy
- Tough Long Range Enemy (programming)
- UI
- Unit Testing
- User Guide Player Overview
- User Guide Title Screen
- User Testing Enemies: Interactions and Collisions
- User Testing Player Items: Functionality
- User Testing Player: HUD Elements and Placement
- User Testing Player: Player, Weapon and Item designs
- User Testing Story and Music
- Using the Input System
- Weapons and Inventory Design