Story Testing Plan - UQdeco2800/2021-studio-6 GitHub Wiki
User testing
The story will be created using draft assets and then user testing will be carried out to determine whether users understood the story and what emotions the story evoked. The rough timeline for user testing is:
- 4th - 10th: Creating the story
- 11th September: Finalising story and studio approval
- 11th - 13th September: Creation of draft story assets
- 13th - 14th September: Draft story prologue and epilogue are added to the game
- 13th - 14th September: User testing of story
- 14th September: Implementing user feedback and finalising story.
For more details on the user testing, please see the story and music user testing wiki page.
Story Manager
Unit testing
Some aspects of the story manager were able to be tested using unit testing. The unit test file is
Functions that were tested are that every story enum had a related config class loaded on construction and that null is returned when an attempt was made to display the story, but has not been loaded yet. Other aspects such as the advancement, creation and disposal of stories are heavily reliant on the implementation of the stories themselves, and are difficult to test from the story manager class. Therefore to test the display of the UI elements of a particular story, manual testing was used (play the story and see if all related elements are displayed).
Main Menu, Pause Menu, and Game Over Screen
Unit testing
The menu related classes are heavily UI based and therefore we decided that unit tests were not appropriate for these features.
User testing
The three menu screens will be user tested to determine:
- Are the buttons functionality clear?
- What other buttons would the user like to see on the menu page?
- General thoughts on each menu screen
- Whether the pause functionality is intuitive.
- Whether the user wants more functionality on the game over page.
To determine the answers to these questions, the user will first talk aloud while on a menu screen to state their initial thoughts/feelings. Once the user doesn't have anything else to add, they will be asked a few questions such as "Describe what you would expect to happen when you click each menu button" to get more narrow responses.
For more details on the user testing, please see the story and music user testing wiki page.
User testing
For this sprint we decided to create and test 4 different musical pieces:
- The safe house background music
- The boss fight background music
- The game over screen background music
The draft assets will be created and then user testing will be carried out to determine what feelings the music evoked and whether the music was suitable for that section of the game. The rough timeline for user testing is:
- 4th - 12th: Creating of the musical pieces
- 13th September: Music is added to their corresponding sections of the game
- 13th - 14th September: User testing of music
- 14th September: Implementing user feedback and finalising music assets.
Previous sprint there was music created for the title screen, however user testing was not carried out in that sprint. Therefore, we will include the title screen background music in the user testing for this sprint as well.
For more details on the user testing, please see the story and music user testing wiki page.