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Each entry of this page consists of the name of the index entry in a separate line in the form

"IndexName, subindexname"

followed by a comma-separated list of links to manual (sub-)sections where this topic is discussed.

The index is in alphabetical order.

The symbol " ⊞ " is used as a separator in the case that several links belong to a given index entry.



Active project, create new data : Active projects

Active project, use of : Where are new waypoints and tracks saved?

Activity, assign color to : View & edit details

Activity, assign to track range : Assign activity to range

Activity, of track : View & edit details

AIS data, realtime vessel positions : AIS vessel positions

AppImage, build for Linux : Build AppImage for QMapShack

AppImage, for QMS : QMapShack AppImages for some Linux versions

ArcGIS, accessed with TMS : Use ArcGIS server as TMS server

Area, create : Create area

Area, definition : Areas

Area, details view : View & edit details

Area, edit : View & edit details

Authorization, of Ubuntu user : Why does QMS ask for authorization on start-up (Ubuntu version)

Automatic backup, setup : Workspace setup

Autorouting, with a route : Select autorouting

Avoid area, routing : Using no-go areas and lines


BRouter, configuration : BRouter

Buttons, hidden : What is the recommended screen size?


Calculated data, of track : Recorded and calculated tracks

Certificates, online DEM data : How to resolve SSL certificate problems?

Clone, data : What is the difference between a clone and a copy of a QMS GIS object?

Commandline, parameters : Commandline parameters

CompeGPS, map : Raster Maps

Compilation, Linux Mint : Linux Mint 19.x

Compilation, Linux : Compiling and Installing

Compilation, OSX : OSX

Compilation, Ubuntu-18.04 : Ubuntu-18, Ubuntu-20

Compilation, Ubuntu-20.04 : Ubuntu-18, Ubuntu-20

Compilation, Windows VS 2017 : Windows with VisualStudio 2017

Configuration, BRouter : BRouter

Configuration, MapQuest : MapQuest

Configuration, of routers : Configuration of routing engines

Configuration, overview of options : Overview of setup and configuration options

Configuration, Routino : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?Routino setupRoutinoUser-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)

Configuration, used files for : Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?

Contour lines, from Garmin IMG : Contour line vector map in Garmin IMG format

Contour lines, from raster map : Raster contour line layer

Coordinate system, setup with EPSG code : Is it possible to use EPSG codes for the coordinate system setup?

Coordinates, search for location : Geosearch

Copy, data : What is the difference between a clone and a copy of a QMS GIS object?

Course, as trackpoint extension : What is the difference between speed and gpxtpx:speed?

Cycling energy, calculate use : Cycling energy use


Data organization, data items : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, databases : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, groups in database : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, lost & found folder : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, projects : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, qms files : Organization of QMapShack data

Data organization, workspace in : Organization of QMapShack data

Data replay, GPX : Track replay

Data selection, in map views : Data selection and handling in map views

Data, add keyword & rating : Tagging data

Data, add tag : Tagging data

Data, combine workspace & project search : Searching in projects

Data, copy vs. clone : What is the difference between a clone and a copy of a QMS GIS object?

Data, create : Create data

Data, general actions : General actions

Data, history of changes : Undo & redo

Data, history : Undo & redo

Data, opacity selection : Adjustable map properties

Data, save : Save data

Data, search in projects : Searching in projects

Data, search in workspace : General description

Data, select cluttered : View & edit details

Data, sources of data : Sources of data

Data, undo & redo : Undo & redoUndo/redo

Database window, drop zone : Summary projects and drop zones

Database : Database

Database, add folder : Folders and Items

Database, add : Add/Remove a database

Database, delete data : Workspace and database windows

Database, export as GPX file : Export database to GPX file

Database, group in : Organization of QMapShack data

Database, import GIS data : Import of GIS data

Database, location : How to find the location of a database file used in QMapShack?

Database, lost & found folder : 'Lost & Found' FolderOrganization of QMapShack data

Database, multi-user access : Multi-user access

Database, MySQL errors : Why does a database not allow creating new folders?

Database, MySQL : MySQL (>= 5.6.5)

Database, project in : Organization of QMapShack data

Database, purpose of : Why are there no checkboxes for data in workspace projects?

Database, relation between database and workspace : Workspace and DatabaseWorkspace and database windows

Database, remove : Add/Remove a database

Database, save as GPX file : Export database to GPX file

Database, search : Search the database

Database, SQLite : SQLite

Database, synchronize : Multi-user access

Datum, grid : Projection and datum

Datum, map : Projection and ScalingProjection and datum

Datum, WGS84 : Projection and Scaling

Debug file, location : Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?

Delete data, in workspace & database : Workspace and database windows

DEM data, certificates for online data : How to resolve SSL certificate problems?

DEM file, range of use : Range of use of elevation data

DEM setup, overview of options : Map and DEM setup

DEM, add elevation data : Add digital elevation model

DEM, display properties : Adjustable elevation properties

DEM, draw order : Draw Order

DEM, elevation : Handle invalid elevation data

DEM, folder organization : Organization of Maps & DEM

DEM, from ESRI grid : How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

DEM, from GeoTIFF : How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

DEM, gaps in data : Why are there data gaps between adjacent DEM tiles?

DEM, hillshading : Adjustable elevation propertiesDEM FilesHillshading

DEM, installation : Installing Raster Maps or DEM Data

DEM, invalid elevation : Avoid and remove invalid data in a track

DEM, overview of setup : Map and DEM setup

DEM, properties of DEM : DEM Files

DEM, slope : Adjustable elevation properties

DEM, sources : DEMSources of QMapShack-compatible maps and elevation data

DEM, use of online data : Online DEM data

DEM, use of VRT files : Why are there data gaps between adjacent DEM tiles?

DEM, VRT file for : DEM FilesIs it possible to use several VRT files?

Directories, used : User-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)

Distance measurement, with ruler tool : Distance ruler

Documentation, use offline version : Create Offline Documentation

Donations, how to make : Making a donation

Douglas-Peuker, filter : Douglas-Peuker filter

Drop zone, definition and use : Summary projects and drop zones

Drop zone, for summary projects : Summary projects and drop zones


ECW, use for maps : ECW, MBTILES and MrSID maps

Edit mode, for items with multiple points : Line edit mode

Edit window, of project : Attach waypoints to a track to get additional track information

Edit, Markdown links : General rules for building GitHub fragment identifiers

Edit, points of lines : Edit line points

Edit, QMS documentation : General recommendations for editing QMS Wiki pages

Edit, redo : Undo/redo

Edit, undo : Undo/redo

Editor templates, purpose of : Text Editor Templates

Elevation data, add and activate : Add digital elevation model

Elevation data, from several files : Range of use of elevation data

Elevation data, range of use : Range of use of elevation data

Elevation data, use of online data : Online DEM data

Elevation, by color : Elevation shading

Elevation, DEM data : Handle invalid elevation data

Elevation, DEM : DEM Files

Elevation, edit : Manually edit elevation of a trackpoint

Elevation, filter : Handle invalid elevation data

Elevation, invalid data : Handle invalid elevation data

Elevation, limit : Adjustable elevation propertiesElevation limit

Elevation, shading : Elevation shading

EPSG, use for coordinate system setup : Is it possible to use EPSG codes for the coordinate system setup?

ESRI grid, use as DEM : How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

Export as GPX file, database : Export database to GPX file

Export as GPX file, project : Export database to GPX file


Fedora, install QMS with PROJ 8 : Fedora 33

Filter, change speed : Change speed

Filter, change track start time : Change time

Filter, change track start : Change start point

Filter, Douglas-Peuker : Douglas-Peuker filter

Filter, elevation : Elevation filtersHandle invalid elevation data

Filter, interpolation : Interpolation filter

Filter, median : Median filter

Filter, obscure timestamps : Obscure timestamps

Filter, offset elevation : Offset elevation

Filter, remove extension : Remove extension from all trackpoints

Filter, replace elevation : Replace elevation data

Filter, split segments : Split segments into tracks

Filter, split track : Split track into multiple shorter tracks

Filter, timestamp : Timestamps filters

Filter, zero speed knot : Zero speed drift knot filter

FIT, load file : Load GPX Files

Fullscreen display, of maps : Fullscreen display


Garmin Birds Eye, map : Raster Maps

Garmin, map images : Vector Maps

Garmin, realtime data : Using Garmin devices with Windows 10Using Garmin etrex VISTA HCx with Ubuntu 20.04

Garmin, use of legacy device : How to access data from legacy Garmin devices?

GDAL, supported version : Which raster map formats are supported?

GDAL, VRT : GDAL *.vrt MapsWhich raster map formats are supported?

gdalinfo, get VRT file info : How to find the location of a raster map?

GDALWarp, for VRT creation : When to use GDALWarp to get VRT file?

Geocache, as waypoint : Geocaches

Geocache, status : Geocaches

Geonames, search : Geosearch

Geosearch, location for coordinates : Geosearch

Geosearch, with Google, Geonames, Nomatim : Geosearch

GeoTIFF, use as DEM : How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

GIS data, create : Create data

GIS data, general remarks : Introduction

GIS data, import to database : Import of GIS data

gmapsupp.img, map : Does QMS support the use of single Garmin-style map tiles?

Google maps, search : Geosearch

GPS device, as data source : GPS devices

GPS device, automatic synchronization : General description

GPS device, copy from/to : General description

GPS device, setup : Workspace setup

GPS device, use of legacy Garmin device : How to access data from legacy Garmin devices?Remark about Garmin GPSmap 60CSx and similar devices

GPS device, use of : General description

GPS tether, realtime data : GPS Tether on Android smartphones

GPSBabel, use for data download : How to access data from legacy Garmin devices?

GPX file, as data source : File sources

GPX file, load as POI file : Load and display POIs

GPX file, save route : Save route in GPX file

GPX, data replay : Track replay

GPX, database saved as GPX : Export database to GPX file

GPX, extensions : Calculate terrain slopeWhat is the difference between speed and gpxtpx:speed?Which track data is saved in GPX files?

GPX, general remark : Handle GPX and QMS files

GPX, load file : Load GPX Files

GPX, save as : Save GPX Files

GPX, save project as GPX : Save project

GPX, subpoint handling in : Which track data is saved in GPX files?

Grid, projection and datum : Projection and datum

GUI, language selection and change : How to change the GUI language?


Help, install and use : Installing and using QMS help browser

Hillshading, DEM : DEM Files

Hillshading, visualization : Adjustable elevation propertiesHillshading

History, cut history list : Undo & redo

History, of data changes : Undo & redo

Hotkeys, table of : Hotkeys


IGN map, accessed with WMTS : WMTS configuration for French IGN maps

Install, on Fedora : Fedora 33

Install, on Linux Mint : Linux Mint 20.1

Install, on Ubuntu : Ubuntu version 22.04Ubuntu version < 22.04

Installation, language selection and change : How to change the GUI language?

Installation, Linux : Linux

Installation, map : Installing Maps

Installation, OS X : OS X

Installation, raster map : Installing Raster Maps or DEM Data

Installation, using AppImage : Install QMapShack

Installation, Windows : Windows with VisualStudio 2017Windows


Keys, table of hotkeys : Hotkeys

Keyword, add to data : Tagging data

Keyword, of data item : Tagging data


Line edit mode, for multi-point data : Line edit mode

Line edit mode, routing options : Routing options

Linux Mint, compilation : Linux Mint 19.x

Linux Mint, install QMS with PROJ 8 : Linux Mint 20.1

Linux, QMS AppImage : QMapShack AppImages for some Linux versions

Logfile, enable debug output : Commandline parameters

Logfile, find used locale and language file : How to change the GUI language?

Logfile, location : User-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?


Mac OSX, compilation : OSX

Main window, layout : Getting started

Map setup, overview of options : Map and DEM setup

Map view, add : Workspace

Map view, clone : Workspace

Map view, data selection in view : Data selection and handling in map views

Map view, synchronization of maps : Map synchronization

Map, add and activate : Add maps

Map, cache : Adjustable map propertiesUser-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)

Map, change layout : How to change the layout of vector maps?

Map, CompeGPS (rmap) : Raster Maps

Map, copy position : What is the difference between Copy position and Copy position (Grid)?

Map, datum : Projection and Scaling

Map, details level : Adjustable map properties

Map, display properties : Adjustable map properties

Map, draw order : Draw Order

Map, folder organization : Organization of Maps & DEM

Map, fullscreen display : Fullscreen display

Map, Garmin Birds Eye (JNX) : Raster Maps

Map, Garmin map image : Vector Maps

Map, Garmin : Does QMS support the use of single Garmin-style map tiles?

Map, GEMF : Raster Maps

Map, go to position : How to move map to a certain location?

Map, installation : Installing Maps

Map, list of online maps : Overview of map regions mentioned on this page

Map, Mapsforge : Mapsforge Maps

Map, move to location : GeosearchHow to move map to a certain location?

Map, Norway topo online : TMS configuration for Norwegian topo maps

Map, NZ topo configuration : TMS configuration for New Zealand topo maps

Map, online : Online Maps

Map, opacity : Map and DEM

Map, openmtbmap (Linux) : Vector maps for Linux systems

Map, overlay layer : Why is Google Terrain map a black-and-white map?

Map, overview of setup : Map and DEM setup

Map, projection and datum : Projection and datum

Map, projection : Projection and Scaling

Map, properties of online maps : Online Maps

Map, properties of vector map : Vector Maps

Map, properties : Map Properties

Map, raster map : Raster Maps

Map, Russian military map : Russian army maps

Map, scale (logarithmic/quadratic) : Map scale type

Map, sources of vector maps : Maps

Map, sources : Sources of QMapShack-compatible maps and elevation data

Map, Spain online : TMS for Spanish orthophoto maps

Map, supported formats : Maps & DEM

Map, synchronization of views : Map synchronization

Map, tile cache : Online Maps

Map, tile : Does QMS support the use of single Garmin-style map tiles?

Map, TMS : Online MapsTMS Maps

Map, vector map : Vector Maps

Map, velomap (Linux) : Vector maps for Linux systems

Map, visibility of data : How to control visibility of POI info?

Map, visibility range : Adjustable map propertiesUse of map visibility range

Map, visibility : Map and DEM

Map, VRT : Raster Maps

Map, WMTS : Online MapsWMTS Maps

Map, zoom : Is there a possibility to display small roads/tracks in a vector map without zooming in too much?Map scale type

MapProxy, Configuration : Configuration template

MapProxy, Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting

MapProxy, Usage : MapProxy basic usage

MapProxy, Use to access online maps : Use MapProxy to access many maps as TMS

MapQuest, configuration : MapQuest

MapQuest, router : MapQuest

Mapsforge map, convert to raster map : Which raster map formats are supported?

Mapsforge, map : Mapsforge Maps

Markdown links, edit : General rules for building GitHub fragment identifiers

MBTILES, use for maps : ECW, MBTILES and MrSID maps

Menu, File - Load GIS Data : Load GPX Files

Menu, File - Save all GIS data : Save project

Menu, Tool - VRT Builder : Installing Raster Maps or DEM Data

Menu, View - Setup Coord. Format : What is the difference between Copy position and Copy position (Grid)?

Menu, View - Setup Map View - Projections&Datum : Is there a possibility to display small roads/tracks in a vector map without zooming in too much?

Menu, View - Setup Map View : Map scale type

Menu, View : Workspace

Menu, Workspace - Setup Workspace : Multi-user accessOrganization of QMapShack data

Menu, Workspace : Working with Projects

Mouse, flip mouse wheel : Workspace

MrSID, use for maps : ECW, MBTILES and MrSID maps

Multi-point data, create : Create new data

Multi-point data, line edit mode : Line edit mode

Multi-user version, setup : Workspace setup

Multi.point data, edit : Edit line points

MySQL, database errors : Why does a database not allow creating new folders?

MySQL, database : MySQL (>= 5.6.5)


Night/day, switching color scheme of vector maps : Workspace

NMEA, QMS restrictions : NMEA and other restrictions

NMEA, realtime data : General remarks

No-go area, (de-)activate : Activate no-go areas/lines

No-go area, define : Defining no-go areas/lines

No-go area, routing : Routing with no-go areas/lines

No-go area/line, routing : Using no-go areas and lines

No-go, use track : Tracks and no-go areas


Offline routing, Routino : Routino

Online maps, Access with MapProxy : Use MapProxy to access many maps as TMS

Online routing, MapQuest : MapQuest

OpenSky, realtime data : OpenSky flight data

OSM Nomatim, search : Geosearch

OziExplorer, use of map : How to use Russian military and similar raster maps with QMapShack?


PBF, Routino : Create Routino database

Planetsplitter, create routing database : Create Routino database

Planetsplitter, Routino : Does QMapShack/Routino support cross-border routing?

POI, and QMS waypoint : Points of interest (POI)

POI, compared with waypoint : Differences between waypoints and POIs

POI, control of visibility : How to control visibility of POI info?

POI, copy to waypoint : Copy POIs to waypoints

POI, handling : Points of interest (POI)

POI, load from GPX file : Load and display POIs

POI, load POI file : Load and display POIs

POI, use as waypoint : How to create waypoint from POI (point of interest) in map?

Project, active : Active projectsWhere are new waypoints and tracks saved?

Project, copy : Copy project

Project, edit metadata : Edit project metadata

Project, edit window : Attach waypoints to a track to get additional track information

Project, edit : How to edit quickly the name of a project?

Project, in database : How to find database to which a project belongs?

Project, in workspace : Why does QMapShack use a separate workspace.db to save data?

Project, merge : Merge projects

Project, roadbook : Attach waypoints to a track to get additional track informationWorking with project roadbook

Project, save : Save project

Project, sources : Working with Projects

Project, summary : Working with project roadbook

Projection, grid : Projection and datum

Projection, map : Projection and ScalingProjection and datum

Projection, Mercator : Projection and Scaling


QMapShack, failure when starting : TroubleShooting

QMapShack, INI file : Commandline parameters

QMapShack, language selection and change : How to change the GUI language?

QMapShack, logfile : Commandline parameters

QMapShack, running : Can I run several QMS instances at the same time?

QMapShack, supported languages : How to change the GUI language?

QMapShack, trouble shooting : TroubleShooting

QMapShack, Ubuntu authorization : Why does QMS ask for authorization on start-up (Ubuntu version)

QMapShack, use of Windows registry : Commandline parameters

QMapShack, used directories : User-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)

QMS documentation, edit : General recommendations for editing QMS Wiki pages

QMS GUI, recommended screen size : What is the recommended screen size?

QMS start, failure : What to do if QMS doesn't start?

QMS, and open source : OpenSource, Donation, etc

QMS, donations : OpenSource, Donation, etc

QMS, load file : Load GPX Files

Quickstart help, English : Quickstart English

Quickstart help, French : Quickstart French

Quickstart help, German : Quickstart German

Quickstart help, Russian : Quickstart Russian

Quickstart help, Spanish : Quickstart Spanish


Range, of track : How to edit tracks without losing track data?Select track range in map view

Raster map, cache handling : Adjustable map properties

Raster map, convert to other format : Which raster map formats are supported?

Raster map, display : Why is a raster map not displayed?

Raster map, find location : How to find the location of a raster map?

Raster map, from online map : Which raster map formats are supported?

Raster map, installation : Installing Raster Maps or DEM Data

Raster map, layer selection : Adjustable map properties

Raster map, overview map of : Why is a raster map not displayed?

Raster map, sources : How to use Russian military and similar raster maps with QMapShack?Which raster map formats are supported?

Raster map, supported formats : Which raster map formats are supported?

Raster map, use of Russian military map : How to use Russian military and similar raster maps with QMapShack?

Raster map, VRT file for : How to find the location of a raster map?How to use Russian military and similar raster maps with QMapShack?

Rating, add to data : Tagging data

Realtime data, data sources : General description

Realtime data, Garmin devices : Using Garmin devices with Windows 10

Realtime data, GPS tether : GPS Tether on Android smartphones

Realtime data, OpenSky : OpenSky flight data

Realtime data, Ubuntu : Using Garmin etrex VISTA HCx with Ubuntu 20.04

Realtime data, use in QMS : Realtime data

Realtime data, vessel positions : AIS vessel positions

Realtime data, Windows 10 : Using Garmin devices with Windows 10

Recorded data, of track : Recorded and calculated tracks

Redo, edit : Undo/redo

Redo, of data changes : Undo & redo

Registry, location of QMS part : Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?

Restart, after failure : What to do if QMS doesn't start?

Route instruction, used language : Why do route instructions use different languages?

Route, autorouting : Select autorouting

Route, calculate : Other actions

Route, compared with track : Tracks vs. routes

Route, convert to track : Other actions

Route, create from track range : Use track-to-route conversion

Route, create from track : Use track-to-route conversion

Route, create from waypoints : Use list of routing points

Route, create in map window : Use map window

Route, create : Create route

Route, definition : Introduction

Route, edit : View & edit details

Route, instructions : Get route instructions

Route, optimize : Optimize route

Route, reset : Other actions

Route, route instructions : Why do route instructions use different languages?

Route, save in GPX file : Save route in GPX file

Route, traveling sales man problem : Optimize route

Route, view details : View & edit details

Router, compare properties : Comparison of routing engines

Router, configuration : Configuration of routing engines

Router, MapQuest : MapQuest

Routing options, in line edit mode : Routing options

Routing setup, overview of options : Routing setup

Routing, automatic routing : Description of routing methods in QMapShack

Routing, methods : Description of routing methods in QMapShack

Routing, off-road routing : Description of routing methods in QMapShack

Routing, road class preference : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?

Routing, Routino : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?

Routing, setup : Routing setup

Routing, track routing : Description of routing methods in QMapShack

Routing, using vector map : Description of routing methods in QMapShack

Routing, with no-go areas/lines : Using no-go areas and lines

Routino, configuration : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?Routino setupRoutinoUser-relevant QMapShack directories (Windows version)What can be the reason for unexpected Routino routing results?

Routino, create routing database : Create Routino database

Routino, cross-border routing : Does QMapShack/Routino support cross-border routing?

Routino, edit routing profile : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?

Routino, fly-as-bird routing : Does the Routino router support fly-as-a-bird routing?

Routino, PBF file : Create Routino database

Routino, planetsplitter : Does QMapShack/Routino support cross-border routing?

Routino, road class preference : Is there a possibility to choose the preferred road class when routing?

Routino, routing database : Routino

Routino, unexpected routing : What can be the reason for unexpected Routino routing results?

Routino, user profiles : Routino setup

Ruler, for distance measurement : Distance ruler


Scale, of map : Map scale type

Screen size, minimum recommended : What is the recommended screen size?

Search data, combine workspace & project search : Searching in projects

Search data, comparison operators : General description

Search data, examples : More examples

Search data, general description : Searching data in the workspace

Search data, in projects : Searching in projects

Search data, in workspace : General description

Search data, properties/keywords : General description

Segments, of track : Handling of track segments

Setup, automatic backup : Workspace setup

Setup, coordinate system : Is it possible to use EPSG codes for the coordinate system setup?

Setup, GPS device : Workspace setup

Setup, multi-user version : Workspace setup

Setup, overview of options : Overview of setup and configuration options

Setup, Routino : Routino setup

Setup, used files for : Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?

Setup, workspace : Workspace setup

SLF, load file : Load GPX Files

Slope, calculate terrain slope : Calculate terrain slope

Slope, coloring : Slope coloring

Slope, shading : Slope shading

Slope, visualization : Adjustable elevation properties

Slugify, rules : General rules for building GitHub fragment identifiers

SQLite, database : SQLite

Subpoint, convert subpoint filter : Convert track subpoints to points

Summary project, definition and use : Summary projects and drop zones

Synchronization, of map views : Map synchronization


Tag, of data item : Tagging data

TCX, load file : Load GPX Files

Templates, create new : Create a Template

Templates, for text editor : Text Editor Templates

Templates, use of : Use a Template

Terrain slope, calculate : Calculate terrain slope

Text editor, templates for : Text Editor Templates

TMS, EPSG:3857 file template : TMS file template for EPSG:3857TMS file template for EPSG:3857

TMS, EPSG:4326 file template : TMS file template for EPSG:4326 and CRS:84

TMS, examples : WMS ExamplesWMTS Examples

TMS, for contour lines : Raster contour line layer

TMS, for Norway topo : TMS configuration for Norwegian topo maps

TMS, for Spain : TMS for Spanish orthophoto maps

TMS, for WMS : How to build the URL when using WMS via TMS?WMS Examples

TMS, for WMTS : Build TMS file for WMTS fileWMTS Examples

TMS, map : Online MapsTMS Maps

TMS, NZ topo configuration : TMS configuration for New Zealand topo maps

TMS, recommended map scale : Map scale type

TMS, Server list : Sources of WMTS and TMS map files

TMS, use for ArcGIS : Use ArcGIS server as TMS server

TMS, use for WMS server : Use WMS server as TMS server

TMS, Use with MapProxy : Use MapProxy to access many maps as TMS

Toolbar, supported actions : Overview of toolbar actions

Track activity, assign color : Assign colors to track activities

Track graph, scales : Select a scale range for track data display

Track graph, zoom : Zoom track graphs

Track profile, remove DEM data : How to remove DEM info from elevation graph?

Track range, assign activity : Assign activity to range

Track range, convert to route : Use track-to-route conversion

Track range, show/hide points : Hide or show trackpoints in rangeSelect track range in map view

Track segment, split segments to tracks : Split segments into tracks

Track segments, handling of : Handling of track segments

Track, activity tab : View & edit details

Track, assign activity : View & edit details

Track, assign DEM elevation : Assign elevation using DEM data

Track, attach waypoint : Attach waypoints to a track to get additional track information

Track, calculated data : Recorded and calculated tracks

Track, change speed filter : Change speed

Track, change start time : Change time

Track, change start : Change start point

Track, combine several : Combine tracks

Track, combine tracks : Split segments into tracks

Track, compared with route : Tracks vs. routes

Track, composing from pieces of other tracks : How to compose a track from pieces of other tracks?

Track, convert subpoint filter : Convert track subpoints to points

Track, convert to route : Use track-to-route conversion

Track, create with track routing : How to compose a track from pieces of other tracks?

Track, create : Create track

Track, cut : Cut track

Track, cycling energy use : Cycling energy use

Track, data sources : Sources of tracks

Track, definition : Definition of a track

Track, edit : How to edit tracks without losing track data?View & edit details

Track, elevation filter : Elevation filters

Track, filters tab : View & edit details

Track, get information : Track information

Track, graphs tab : View & edit details

Track, graphs : View & edit details

Track, history tab : View & edit details

Track, info tab : View & edit details

Track, info window : View & edit details

Track, interpolation filter : Interpolation filter

Track, invalid data : Avoid and remove invalid data in a track

Track, median filter : Median filter

Track, move range : Move track range to new location

Track, obscure timestamps : Obscure timestamps

Track, offset elevation filter : Offset elevation

Track, points tab : View & edit details

Track, range : Select track range in map view

Track, recorded data : Recorded and calculated tracks

Track, remove extension filter : Remove extension from all trackpoints

Track, replace elevation filter : Replace elevation data

Track, saved in GPX : Which track data is saved in GPX files?

Track, selected/highlighted : Track states

Track, split into smaller ones : Split track into multiple shorter tracks

Track, split segments filter : Split segments into tracks

Track, style tab : View & edit details

Track, subpoint : Which track data is saved in GPX files?

Track, summary information : Select display of track information in main menu

Track, summary : Working with project roadbook

Track, timestamps filter : Timestamps filters

Track, trackpoint description list : Select display of track information in main menu

Track, used as no-go line : Tracks and no-go areas

Track, view details : View & edit details

Track, zero speed knot filter : Zero speed drift knot filter

Trackpoint, additional description : Overview

Trackpoint, course in track extension : What is the difference between speed and gpxtpx:speed?

Trackpoint, edit/delete description : Using the track edit/info window

Trackpoint, elevation : Manually edit elevation of a trackpoint

Trackpoint, remove extension : Remove extension from all trackpoints

Trackpoint, speed in track extension : What is the difference between speed and gpxtpx:speed?

Traveling salesman problem : Optimize route

Type file, change map layout : How to change the layout of vector maps?


Ubuntu, install QMS with PROJ 8 : Ubuntu version < 22.04

Ubuntu-18.04, compilation : Ubuntu-18, Ubuntu-20

Ubuntu-20.04, compilation : Ubuntu-18, Ubuntu-20

Ubuntu-22.04, install QMS : Ubuntu version 22.04

Undo, edit : Undo/redo

Undo, of data changes : Undo & redo

UTM, coordinates : Projection and datum


Vessel positions, AIS data : AIS vessel positions

Vessel positions, realtime data : AIS vessel positions

Visibility range, of maps : Use of map visibility range

VRT builder, optional parameter : How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

VRT, DEM : DEM FilesInstalling Raster Maps or DEM Data

VRT, for DEM file : Is it possible to use several VRT files?

VRT, for raster map : How to find the location of a raster map?How to use Russian military and similar raster maps with QMapShack?

VRT, get file info with gdalinfo : How to find the location of a raster map?How to use DEM data in GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid ASCII format?

VRT, map : Raster Maps

VRT, raster map : GDAL *.vrt MapsInstalling Raster Maps or DEM Data

VRT, use of GDALWarp vs. GDALBuildVRT : When to use GDALWarp to get VRT file?

VRT, use of several files : Is it possible to use several VRT files?


Waypoint, and POI : Points of interest (POI)

Waypoint, assign DEM elevation : Assign elevation using DEM data

Waypoint, attached to track : Attach waypoints to a track to get additional track information

Waypoint, compared with POI : Differences between waypoints and POIs

Waypoint, create from POI : How to create waypoint from POI (point of interest) in map?

Waypoint, custom icons : Custom icons

Waypoint, details window : View & edit details

Waypoint, distance : How to find distance between waypoints?

Waypoint, edit window : View & edit details

Waypoint, find info in web : How to find information about a position (a POI) on the Web?

Waypoint, get info : Waypoints

Waypoint, move : Move waypoint

Waypoint, options : Waypoints

Waypoint, photo album : The photo album

Waypoint, project (clone) : Project waypoint

Waypoint, proximity : How to find distance between waypoints?

Waypoint, select project for : Where are new waypoints and tracks saved?

Waypoint, with blue icon : Why are waypoints shown with a blue dot icon?

Web search, find location info : How to find information about a position (a POI) on the Web?

Web services, examples : How to find information about a position (a POI) on the Web?

Web services, find location info : How to find information about a position (a POI) on the Web?

Web services, transportation, meteo : How to find information about a position (a POI) on the Web?

WGS84, projection : Projection and datum

Windows registry, location of QMS part : Where does QMS save setup, configuration, and other information?

Windows registry, use : Commandline parameters

WMS, accessed with TMS : Use WMS server as TMS server

WMS, build TMS : How to build the URL when using WMS via TMS?WMS Examples

WMS, compare with WMTS : What are the differences between the WMTS and the WMS approach in QMS?

WMS, examples : WMS Examples

WMS, get GDAL information : How to get information about a WMTS or WMS service?

WMTS, accessed with TMS : Use WMTS server as TMS server

WMTS, add missing resource URL : Add missing resource URL to WMTS file

WMTS, build TMS : Build TMS file for WMTS file

WMTS, compare with WMS : What are the differences between the WMTS and the WMS approach in QMS?

WMTS, examples : WMTS Examples

WMTS, for French IGN maps : WMTS configuration for French IGN maps

WMTS, get GDAL information : How to get information about a WMTS or WMS service?

WMTS, map : Online MapsWMTS Maps

WMTS, QMS requirements : What requirements must a WMTS file fulfill?

WMTS, recommended map scale : Map scale type

WMTS, server list : Sources of WMTS and TMS map files

Workspace : Database

Workspace, automatic synchronization with device : General description

Workspace, data view : Data view

Workspace, delete data : Workspace and database windows

Workspace, display ratings and keywords : Tagging data

Workspace, project in : Why does QMapShack use a separate workspace.db to save data?

Workspace, purpose of : Why are there no checkboxes for data in workspace projects?

Workspace, relation between database and workspace : Workspace and DatabaseWorkspace and database windows

Workspace, setup : Workspace setup

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