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Compile and build QMapShack with PROJ 8 for Linux Mint 20.1

QMapShack versions beyond version 1.15.2 will use PROJ version 8. This requires some changes in the QMS build procedure. This page is an early release of the description of these changes for Linux Mint 20.1. The information on this page was contributed by anesthesia. It can be used to build current QMS development versions.

Basic information about the compilation of QMapShack for Linux Mint can be found here. This page describes only the changes required when using PROJ 8.

Warnings and hints:

  • GDAL version 3.x now depends on PROJ. Therefore, don't change the described installation sequence of packages.
  • If there are older versions of the used libraries on your system, remove them completely first.
  • Don't change the advised directory settings.
  • Part of a German description of the installation procedure is a template for a shell script which can be used to run all steps.

Install PROJ version 8

  1. Install dependent packages

     sudo apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libtiff5-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  2. Install PROJ 8

    1. Download the current release
    2. Follow the CMake installation rules

Install GDAL

  1. Download the current release

  2. Run

     ./configure --prefix=/usr
  3. If checkinstall is not installed, run

     sudo apt install checkinstall
  4. Install GDAL into the system

     sudo checkinstall 

Remark: GDAL version 3.x depends on PROJ (difference to GDAL 2.x!). Therefore, the installation of GDAL must take place after the installation of PROJ.

Install QUAZIP

  1. Download the current release

  2. Run

     cmake .              (ignore possible warning about missing Qt5Zlib_DIR)
     sudo make install

Install QMapShack

  1. Change the ccmake step described in "Download and install QMS" to

     ccmake ../QMapShack -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
  2. Leave all other steps unchanged and follow them.

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