Page Index - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
123 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the tech journal of Connor East.
- 215‐Midterm Study Guide
- 260_Week12
- Apache Hardening
- Apache Mod_Security_Config1
- Apache Mod_Security_Config2
- Assessment 1 Prep ‐ Sec‐260‐03
- Assessment preparation: 2 19 24
- Bash Scripting: 4 3 24
- Cert Authority Creation Prep and Lab
- Champlain
- CIA and the Apache Benchmark
- CLI commands:
- CR ~~ Where to find important Information and services
- CR‐‐Important‐Info‐Locals
- DHCP is down
- Fall 2024
- For120 Midterm Prep
- For120‐Acronyms
- FOR‐102: Intro to Digital Forensics
- HeartBleed Assignment
- IIS Security Assessment
- IIS Security Implementation‐Class Lab
- Internship documentation:
- ITS1‐Introductory Bash Scripting
- ITS:1‐CACert
- ITS:1‐Setting_up_a_Media_Wiki_page
- ITS:IntroductionToPowershell
- ITS:Terminology and explanation.
- ITS‐AdministrativeAssessment
- LAB 4 Class Lab, Small Enterprise
- Lab 5: Small Enterprise Class Lab
- Lab00‐Routing&Windows
- Linux Command List
- Mimikatz
- MITM Proxy
- Mod‐Evasive Apache Class 8
- MySQl And PHP intergration
- mySQL prepared statement
- Net 330Lab 6.1‐3
- Net 330Lab 7
- Net215 Quiz 2
- Net215:Basic_Crypto_HTTPS_and_TLS
- NET215:DNS explanation
- Net215[Networking]
- net215[Week 1]
- Net215‐Assignment4‐1
- Net330 IPv6 Setup
- Net330 OSPF Class Hardware Lab
- Net330 Quiz 2
- Net330 Tech Journal 4
- Net330 ‐ Routing and Routing Protocols
- Net330: IPSEC
- Net330:Server‐Load‐Balancing
- Net330:Server‐Load‐Balancing‐Lab
- Net330[Net Design]
- Net330‐AccessListAssignment
- Net330‐BGPBuildANetwork
- Net330‐MidtermNotes
- Net330‐TechJournal1
- Net330‐TechJournal2
- Net330‐TechJournal3
- Research Paper ‐ AI and its Effect on the Job Market and Social Economy
- Research Paper ‐ The Effects of Social Media on the American Gen‐Z Population
- Research Papers
- SCI‐140 Study Guide:
- sec260 finals notes
- SEC260 ‐‐ Optional Assignment ‐ Due over summer
- Sec260‐PHP‐Shell‐Lab
- SEC345_nonTechJournal
- Sec345‐InformationAssurance‐TechJournal2
- SEC350‐4.1
- SEC350‐GoupDiscussionLab
- SEC350‐Lab 5.1 Wazuh WAF
- Sec350‐Lab3
- Sec350‐Lab3.2
- Sec350‐Routing&DMZ‐Lab
- SEC‐252BashScripting
- Sec‐260, Study Guide 2:
- Sec‐260: Web Security.
- SEC‐350 Enterprise & Net Security
- SEC‐350 Project 1 OSQuery
- SEC‐350Lab2
- Server Core Remote Administrator Tools
- SlackDocumentReading
- Spring 2024 ‐ Champlain
- Spring 2025
- Subnetting Reference Guide: 3 20 2024
- Sys255 Final Project
- sys255_Final‐Linux_apache‐PHPCode
- Sys255‐AutomationLab
- Sys255‐Final‐Linux_Apache
- SYS255‐Linux_Assessment
- Sys255‐WordpressInstallation
- Sys265 Ansible Lab
- Sys265 Docker Large
- Sys265DockerLab1
- Sys265NetMGMT‐Tools
- SYS265‐Complete
- Sys265‐DHCPlab
- SYS265‐DockerGit
- SYS265‐DockerLargeProject2B‐Yeetfile
- syslog
- Sys‐255 Powershell Scripting
- SYS‐255‐Apache‐Lab
- Sys‐260, IIS Install and Configuration
- SYS‐265: SysADM & Net Services
- Sys‐265Lab2
- Sys‐Admin
- Tech Journal, Class 7
- Tools To Learn Research
- Troubleshooting Document
- Ubuntu‐IP‐Setup
- Virtual Hosting
- Vyos
- Week 2
- Week 2: Tech Journal
- Week 3 Tech Jounal 1 26 2024
- Week 4: Linux File Permissions:
- Week 4: Removing The Root SSH Connection
- Week 5: Tech Journal ‐ Assessment Plan