DHCP is down - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Assignment: The DHCP server had a catastrophic failure, having been stolen from the server room! User workstation is unable to login to the domain. Alice, the CIO, is very concerned and she needs it taken care of ASAP TODAY!! Alice wants the DHCP deployed on a Windows member server, and it needs to work exactly the same way as the old DHCP server. Now Figure it out.
Setting up DHCP on AD.
Step 1: Go to Server manager, Add roles and features, FS01-Connor, click the radio box next to DHCP Server, at the location "/Remote Server Administration Tools/Role Administration tools" click the radio box next to "DHCP Server Tools" and go to the install page. Install DHCP.
Step 2: Once the download has completed, Go to Server Manager > DHCP and right click on FS01-connor. click dhcp manager.
Step 3: Once DHCP manager is opened click on the down arrow located next to FS01-connor.connor.local. and right click on IPv4 choosing new scope. Create a scope.
Setting up the DHCP Core:
Step 1: type "powershell" into the command prompt and press enter.
Step 2: In PowerShell use the command: "**Install-WindowsFeature DHCP -IncludeManagementTools" **
Step 3: Use the command ** "dism.exe /Online /enable-feature /featurename:DHCPServer""** in the cmd.
Step 4: I used the powershell command "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name ="Open Port 68" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=68" for both port 68 and 67
Step 5: I used the command "Set-DhcpServer4OptionValue -DNSServer -DNSDomain connor.local -Router".
Step 6: use the command "sc queryex dhcp" to confirm dhcp is running
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