ITS:1‐CACert - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Login to websrv-ceast using:
Command ---> "ssh -l connorEast"
Password is known.
Command ---> "openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key_name.key -out certificate_request_name.csr
-config config.txt"
Next go to Redacted.Redacted to Create a CA using the leahycenters CA server and use the specified CA Classified username and password.
Username: Redacted
Password: Redacted
Copy the contents of your CSR file and paste it as seen in the image below: From there click submit. See the image below for refrence.
Download the base 64 version, Copy and paste the file into a new crt file as seen in the image below.
Error handling:
--> If you get the error stating the "bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)". Confirm that Apache is stopped and not online. Once its done use the systemctl restart nginx command and you should now be able to access your https: based website as seen below.