Internship documentation: - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Internship 1 Documentation: Sys-Admin internship Notes --> No PII
- Windows Device Setup
- Setting up ADDS, WebSrv, WKS
- Setting up PHP and NGINX
- Linux Command line
- Subnetting notes
- Introduction to PowerShell
- Non-related Bash scripting practice, NMAP scan Notes
- Setting A static IP address
- Media-Wiki Creation and implementation
- ITS Technology Terminology
- Interesting Articles and Notes:
- ITS Administrative Assessment Notes
- Certificate Authority Setup
Internship 2: CyberRange ---> Non-Related Notes and Concepts:
- Tool Documentation and Application.
- Linux / Windows information stores
- Windows Specific Information Storage
- Task 0 ---> Tokens as Gold Article Summation
- Task 0.1 ---> HTML Smuggling And Domain Wide RandsomWare documentation
- Task 2 ---> Virtualized Networking
- Task 3 ---> VSphere Client; Access Control and Active Directory.
- Mimikatz Implementation and Documentaion