SEC‐350Lab2 - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

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Section 1 Standardization on Time (System: RW01)

Command Used Terminal Used Purpose
sudo vi etc/rsyslog.conf CMD Commenting out of line "$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat" This will allow for us to list out all date time data in log messages
logger -t test whattimeisit2 CMD Adds a new piece of data "whattimeisit2" to the rsyslog file
sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep whattimeisit CMD Prints the contents of syslog where the data has in it "whattimeisit"
ssh [email protected] CMD remote access to the web server through the user "connor". The web server IP being
ssh [email protected] CMD remote access to the log server through the user "connor". The log server's IP being

Deliverable 1:

Deliverable 2:

Deliverable 3:

Section 2 Syslog Organization on log1

Command Used Terminal Used Purpose
nmtui CMD [MGMT] Set the IP to Change the default gateway to
sudo adduser connor CMD Creates a user named connor
sudo usermod -aG sudo connor CMD Adds connor to the sudo group
sudo passwd champuser CMD Changes the default password of the champuser account
NAT Forwarding on Firewall
set nat source rule 20 description "NAT FROM DMZ to WAN" CLI Sets a description for the new rule
set nat source rule 20 outbound-interface eth0 CLI Applies the new rule facing outbound in order to allow for network traffic flow
set nat source rule 20 source address CLI Sets the source address equal to the network address of the LAN network
set nat source rule 20 translation address masquerade CLI This command allows for the data being sent to be mapped to a forward facing network address.
set service dns forwarding listen-address CLI Sets DNS to listen to the LANS default gateway
commit save CLI Saves the commands used previously
Installing Chrome Remote Desktop Manager
ssh-keygen MGMT CLI Go through generalized Setup
ssh-copy-id [email protected] MGMT CLI
ssh [email protected] MGMT CLI
vi /etc/rsyslog.conf Rem-Log CLI Comment out the following lines to decrease rule overlap issues
  • $ModLoad imudp
  • $UDPServerRun 514
  • $ModLoad imtcp
  • $InputTCPServerRun 514
cd /var/log Rem-Log CLI
wget Rem-Log CLI
cat 03-sec350.conf Rem-Log CLI
FW01 - Logging Events
set system syslog host facility authpriv level info FW01 CLI
commit save
exit exit, Reloggin
Log Server Commands - Install Tree
cp ${repo_file} ~/CentOS-Base.repo.backup
sudo sed -i s/ ${repo_file}
sudo sed -i s/ ${repo_file}
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum install tree
cd /var/log/remote-syslog/fw1-East
cat 2025.01.31.login.log | grep FAILED

Deliverable 1: Remote Access

Deliverable 2: Seperated Logs


Deliverable 3: Failed Log In Logs


Deliverable 4: Tree and Incorrect Login

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️